

An extremely excited Wilson and Byron have just run in shouting, 'Nërp is smoking! Nërp is smoking!'

I assumed they meant smoking a cigar – in the manner of Bender, his hero from Futurama – and went out to remonstrate with him for setting such a bad example in front of the children.
However, when I arrived smoke was pouring out of the anxious android.
He was too hot to touch, but the boys and I assisted him into his workshop where the bees rendered first aid by directing fans at him and covering him with damp towels.
As soon as he was capable of speech he said, in a wavering voice, that his circuits had overheated due to the excessive ambient temperature in the sunshine.
Jīqìrén was terribly concerned to see her uncle in such distress and said the best thing to do would be to plug him into a USB port and let him rest.
Acceding to her judgment call we turned out the lights and left the two bots to rest and, hopefully, recover together, Jīqìrén assuring us that she would call if Nërp needed anything…
New Readers Start Here Nº 16
• For most of his life Wilson believed that Andrea was his Big Sister.
• A few years ago he learned that she is actually his Biological Mother and that Mrs V is, in fact, his Grandmother.
• He didn't take the revelation well, but seems to have accepted it now – he continues to refer to as Andrea as his Big Sister and to his Grandma as Mrs V.

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