Byron has been staying with us for several weeks now, and he's beginning to show signs of home-sickness – Wilson and I agree that the time is drawing near when he should return to his family at the Zoo.
Before he leaves, though, they've both asked whether they can do one last project together.
Do you remember last Bonfire Night when I took the boys to the Bentley Wildlife and Motor Museum, to pass the time until the fireworks were let off? They've asked whether, as a final adventure, they can start their own Motor Museum.
I imagine this will involve them arranging all Wilson's toy cars – possibly including Uncle Z's Citroën van – in Wilson's 'Museum' (AKA garden shed) then charging me £5 to look at them.
I can't see any harm in that, so I've told them to go for it!
I didn't mean to leave you out yesterday – it's just that I was unaware that Wilson had any new readers there!
Uncle Zoltan has gathered everyone in the living room where he is explaining his long absence.
He tells how he bought the Citroën toy van on eBay during a period of depression following his receipt of the rejection letter from Vogue UK magazine.
It had apparently been a longstanding dream of his to re-introduce the 'Wasp Waist' in Haute Couture, and the post of Editor of Vogue would have put him in an ideal position to bring this dream to fruition. Sadly, though, it was not to be.
He then revealed that his World Tour had taken him to many far-flung and exotic foreign destinations, including Buxted and even Piltdown, where he plied his many trades for the grateful natives.
Byron and all the children were spellbound by Uncle Z's Traveller's Tales, but Wilson – himself no stranger to exaggeration in aid of a good story – just listened without comment, apparently absorbed in examining the photo of Byron and himself in their Star Wars Rebel Helmets, but occasionally raising one eyebrow or rolling his eyes in surprise at some particularly unlikely statement...
Wilson would like to say Hi! 👏 to his new readers in Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France, and wish them all a Happy New Year!
The Boys are just back from Tesco – they went to use the Photo-Me machine to take a picture of themselves wearing their Star Wars helmets.
Wilson didn't make any New Year's Resolutions this year – he told me he hadn't used up last year's yet – but I have resolved to walk briskly for a mile every afternoon. By the end of the year I will have walked the equivalent of from here to The Lizard, or to Blackpool!
W kindly offered to keep me company, but he's far from brisk, constantly stopping to look at things, ask questions and have a sit down. Moreover, half-way round he announced that he was 'Totes exhausted' and couldn't walk another step.
Carrying him for half a mile was certainly good exercise, but it was almost too much for me – tomorrow I shall go on my own.
Unless it's raining, in which case I won't go at all...
Happy New Year – we are 🐝Polly and 🐝Billi The Bees, and this is our GuestBlog!
There's no point pretending otherwise – 2018 is going to be a tough year for Bees, what with all the insecticides and weedkillers that are making us sick.
So we're relying on YOU to help us create a world that's safe for our children, Johnson Major and Johnson Minor, to grow up in.
We're sure that with YOUR HELP (and Uncle Zoltan's, of course) we can do it!
And remember, every time you buy a pot of Honey, or a bottle of Mead or Honey Whiskey, you are helping bees less fortunate than us.
Also, have you noticed our way cool coffee mug with a design of a Bee wearing a Gas Mask on it? You can buy a mug just like it from:
– and right now there seems to be an extra 5% discount!
Wilson will be back on Wednesday with more of the same old nonsense he's always banging on about, and we'll see you again next month – until then, BEEEEEEEEEEE GOOD!
Boxing Day* was spent catching up on Xmas tv.
Batman – The Lego Movie was very well received, but things took a turn for the worse when we watched Jurassic World – Tiny Toy had to be escorted outside and given a mild sedative, and EVERYONE insisted on sleeping in my bed that night... including the sTone brothers, who hadn't even watched the film, but had picked up on the general atmosphere of terror!
But now that Xmas is pretty-much over, we're looking forward to the New Year and hoping that – as Billi puts it – it's a bit less crap than 2017!
Tomorrow being the first of the month, it's The Bees' turn to blog, so Wilson, Byron, the entire family and I would like to wish you a
See you again on Wednesday...
* Boxing Day is a holiday celebrated on the day after Christmas Day. It originated in the United Kingdom, and is celebrated in a number of countries that previously formed part of the British Empire. Is this stuff educational or what?!