

Nërp seems to be getting into his stride – several new murals have appeared recently.
I'd better have a word with him before the police get involved!
Surprisingly, Wilson has hinted that he might have a commission for Nërpsy in the near future.
I shudder to think…
Some of you have expressed an interest in Nërp's AI research – he's given me this link to share with you:



I think Wilson was a tiny bit put out to find that Nërp is doing Graffiti Art and calling himself Nërpsy – a path pioneered by Wilson in his Antsy persona.

He's also upset that Nërp is quite good at it…
However, he's cheering himself up with the knowledge that World Anteater Day is only just over a fortnight away!
Obviously World Anteater Day is a big event in Wilson's calendar – at least, it is since he first found out about it last year! 




Here comes NËRPSY!
You may remember that Nërp chose not to accompany Wilson, Byron and me on our UnHoliday.
I will admit I had wondered how he'd been passing the time while we were away not really enjoying ourselves, and it turns out he had been researching Artificial Intelligent Art.
Apparently someone (Matt Round) has built a Robot capable of producing Graffiti Art in the style of Banksy – and Nërp is determined not to be left out of this latest Cultural Revolution.
Honestly, it was bad enough when Wilson styled himself Antsy and spray-painted everything in sight…




You may hate the war, but never hate the ones that fight; 

for they do not choose when or where to fight; 
all they chose was to protect who they love and even the people they don't know.   



When we arrived at the chip shop, which inevitably was closed for everything except home-delivered food, Wilson threw himself theatrically down onto the pavement and declared that he was too weak to stand
He said that unless he had something to eat immediately – preferably chips with curry sauce, oh and a gherkin too, please, and don't forget some napkins! – I would have to carry him back to the car and drive him home.
Byron and I tried to encourage him, but in vain – even after I'd promised him pizza and chips for dinner.
Maybe our Uckfield UnHoliday has run its course and we should head back home to, well, Uckfield…
I will confess that as holidays go, it's been less successful than I had hoped.
On the plus side, though, it's been the cheapest holiday ever!



A family trip to the cinema usually costs a fortune, what with the tickets, drinks, popcorn, ice creams and souvenir merchandise, but this time it was gratifyingly inexpensive.

We stood in the pouring rain outside The Picture House, opened in 1916, and read posters extolling the films we could have seen were the town not in lockdown.
Perhaps I should admit to myself that this UnHoliday is less of a success than I'd initially hoped.
Even I am finding it quite difficult to be enthusiastic about walking past a load of shops I'm already very familiar with – and we can't even enter any of them.
I can't remember a holiday when no-one has had so much as an ice lolly [popsicle] ☹️




We have suspended our UnHoliday for a day – partly because Wilson was getting bored traipsing past a succession of closed shops and cafés, but mostly so that he and Byron could watch the celebrations following the result of the US Elections.

All of the more politically-aware children assembled and watched the news channels for most of the day, changing channels only when 'That scary Mr Trump came on' and started shouting, when everyone immediately scrambled for the Remote.
Wilson said that perhaps he could finally relax after four years of existential angst, and Byron said that this was America's chance to heal itself.
Uncle Zoltan agreed, adding, 'As long as those Trumpists don't start another Civil War!'
In other good news, today is Rupert The Bear's 100th Birthday! Happy Birthday Rupert!
Telegram from HM the Queen?