
Easter preparations

Wilson has popped in to the village to buy himself an Easter Bonnet, while I hide the eggs for tomorrow's Easter Egg Hunt. 
W's excitement about the Egg Hunt is equalled only by his anticipation of tonight's Dr Who! This being the 50th Anniversary series he thinks it might be extra scary, so he's built himself a little nest behind the sofa to enable him to watch it from a safe distance… 


sTony makes an appearance...

What Wilson describes as Phase One of the Folly is completed, and in time for Easter! It's quite a bit larger than I'd imagined – in fact, it completely overpowers the garden – but he has made a very nice job of it.
He rather spoiled it, though when he turned up carrying the dreadful and scary sTony, who he intends incorporating into the wall; Antony started crying when sTony appeared, but W is very attached to him. 
I'm also a bit concerned that W won't tell me what Phase Two is, or whether there are even more phases to follow...


A compromise is reached and work resumes

Wilson and Antony had clearly reached an impasse, so I suggested that Antony and his toy should move off the building site and watch from a safe distance. All parties have grudgingly agreed to this compromise, since when work has continued apace. 
Antony, meanwhile, has popped his helmet on his toy anteater's head, and they are now arguing between themselves, while Wilson ignores them both.


¡Ay, caramba!

I heard Wilson in the garden this morning shouting '¡Ay, caramba!'
I went out to see what was the matter and found he and Antony arguing because Antony said his helmet was hurting his head and he wanted to take it off.
Wilson had also decided that his helmet was uncomfy (and also kept falling off his head) so had decided not to wear it, while still insisting that Antony must wear his.
Antony said that this was unfair, while W insisted it so was fair because he was in charge. 


Health and Safety

Several hours of intense searching eventually revealed both Antony's helmet and his minuscule toy anteater concealed under W's hard hat. 
'This just goes to show how important Health and Safety is on a busy building site!' Wilson announced. 'From now on, wearing of hard hats at all times is compulsory on-site.' 


Work comes to a standstill

Work has come to a standstill today after Antony realised he'd lost his miniature toy anteater. Wilson's friend Jan noticed that the tiny toy appeared to be missing, and when Wilson questioned Antony he said that it was safe under his little hard hat — before realising that his hat was missing too! 
Everyone is crawling round the garden performing what Wilson calls a Fingertip Search. I asked him if we couldn't just have a 'good look,' but he replied, 'You know my methods, New Dad!' adding, 'The Game's Afoot! Did you bring your service revolver? I fear we may have need of it!'


Daylight Saving

Construction of the Folly/Bunker continues apace. 
Wilson is very anxious to stay on schedule, so last night he advanced all the clocks in the house by one hour. When I protested at the unexpectedly early start, he pointed out that British Summer Time would start in seven days anyway, and that now I had a week to get used to it. 
D'oh, he's always got a reasonable answer for everything!