
Source Code

Wilson couldn't settle to anything today — he's too excited planning his acceptance speech for the 'Freedom of the City of London Town' he's certain Boris Johnson will award to him, for 'Services to Pavements.' 

Talk about getting ahead of yourself — Boris probably won't even have received W's letter yet! 

Anyway, to pass the time he's packaging a few pairs of ODDSIES! ready for the Xmas rush. 

He has asked whether we can all watch the movie Source Code tonight, with popcorn and the lights turned off. I know I've vowed not to let him watch any sci-fi films, but I'd quite like to see it myself, and it's only Certificate 12A so I can't really see the harm in letting him…


Memo to Boris

Wilson re-thought his letter to Boris Johnson, deciding that a hand-written missive would carry more weight than a typed one. 

I thought he was probably right, although I counselled strongly against his use of green ink. 

Here it is. 


Wilson writes to the Mayor of London

While Wilson was in London, he suffered an embarrassing mishap when he accidentally stepped in some dog poo. 

'It was just lying on the pavement!' he told me, 'Just lying there. It was disgusting, and I got it all over one of my back paws!'

He is now writing a letter to the Mayor of London Boris Johnson, with copies to the Prime Minister, the Home Office and the Department of Health, complaining about the state of London's streets, and offering his services in implementing what he calls a 'foolproof but relatively inexpensive solution.' 


Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor

All the time Wilson was away, there was something he was looking forward to doing as soon as he got home: watching Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor. Last night he did so, and it didn't disappoint; we all watched it together, and had a discussion about it afterwards. 

W said he liked it because 'The Doctor didn't after all kill billions of innocent people, but he still believed that he had, so he still felt the weight of guilt lying upon him.' 

W's home country, Costa Rica, is predominantly Roman Catholic, and I think that, with his enthusiasm for Guilt, maybe his religious roots are showing.

Anyway, we all agreed that we didn't understand how the writers are going to circumvent the '12 Regenerations' rule...


Wilson is offered a part

Wilson is safely home again, and we all listened spellbound as he related his adventures in London Town.

'Then when I finally got to the front of the queue,' he explained, 'the casting assistant called to her boss, and he came over and said “We would be honoured if you would join us.”'
We all gasped! 

'Then they offered me the part of… Third Wookie!' 

We started to cheer, until we noticed how W's face had fallen. I felt that being offered any part at all was a triumph, but W obviously has higher dramatic standards than I.

'Third WOOKIE!' he repeated,  'A mere spear-carrier!'

We all made solicitous noises. 

'Well, I declined, obviously! I can't be doing with travelling up to Elstree every day for a bit-part! If I can't play "William" I'd really rather not be involved — I'd have been barely more than an extra!'

I have to repair my Hard Drive now. If you don't receive any updates for a few days, you'll know why. Wish me luck!


Wilson returns...

Wilson is travelling home Pullman Class! I don't know whether that is to celebrate his getting the part, or to console himself for not getting it. 

Either way, there's not long to wait until I find out — I'm just off to the station to meet him.


Wilson does his audition

The auditions were far more popular than Wilson had anticipated, and even with a very early start, he was not at the front of the queue. However, everyone was very good-natured and cheerful, notwithstanding the weather, and there was much sharing of umbrellas and of stories. 

I'm missing him, and looking forward to hearing his news when he returns tomorrow.