Moments before boarding the coach to go back to the ship, Wilson disappeared. I looked everywhere… except up. He had gone to investigate a palm tree, not believing that was where coconuts come from.
On the journey home, W asked the tour guide why he hadn't seen any canaries in the Canary Islands. The guide patiently explained that Canary Islands or Islas Canarias is derived from the Latin Canariae Insulae, which actually means Island of the Dogs.
Wilson began to say that he had indeed seen a lot of dogs on the islands, but the guide interrupted to say that these dogs weren't really dogs but seals, as canis marinus or 'sea dog' is Latin for Seal.
W thought for a few moments, then told the guide that he had once been to the Isle of Dogs in London's East End, but hadn't seen any seals, adding 'Also, it's not nearly as nice as here!'
As a surprise for Wilson, we're not eating in the restaurant this evening — instead we're going to an American Diner called Johnny Rocket's! I think he'll love it there.