

To pass the time until he can start putting up the Xmas Decorations, Wilson is drafting a letter of complaint to Wikipedia. He takes exception to Tamanduas, of which he is one, being described by them as the 'Common or Lesser Anteater.'

'We are neither "common" nor "lesser", New Dad — and I shall tell them so in no uncertain terms!'

This is exactly like the time he complained to an on-line dictionary for claiming that Vermilingua, his family name, means 'Worm Tongue.' 

He'll get no satisfaction and just make himself cross…



Here is the second, and final, component of your Free Advent Calendar

Wilson says you should download it, print it out and glue it behind yesterday's sheet. When the glue is dry you can hang it on the wall ready for 1st December. Or the fridge door. Or anywhere else — that's how versatile it is.

He advises that 'You should close your eyes when working on today's sheet, or risk spoiling the surprise,' adding that 'Perhaps a friend could help make sure you don't stick todays sheet upside-down. If you've got any friends. And take care not to glue your claws together…'

Good luck with that!



So, here it is! The thing you've been waiting for! Your FREE ADVENT CALENDAR!

Here is the front of the calendar for you to print out. Once it's printed Wilson says you should cut round the solid black lines of the doors so you can open them on the appropriate day.

IMPORTANT: W advises that you should open, download and print tomorrow's image with your eyes closed, so as not to spoil the surprise when you look behind the little doors.

Sounds like good advice! 


A new photo of Colin arrives!

Another photo of Colin has arrived, and this time Ms Jenny has (wisely) not written a first-person message on the front!

As he pinned it up on his notice board, Wilson remarked that Colin really seems to be settling down and integrating with Baby William's family.

Also on the notice board you can see the Advent Calendar that W intends to send to you all tomorrow. 

Please try to contain your excitement!


Free Xmas Decoration/Craft Project for You!

Today being exactly one month from Xmas Day, Wilson has started thinking about Xmas, and has designed what he describes as 'This charming, faux-rosewood and pine decorative Rocking Anteater' for your Xmas Delight.

He says that you should print it out, cut out the printed bit very carefully (with the assistance of a grown-up if necessary) then fold it in half. Then you can allegedly stand it on your mantel-piece or hang if from your Xmas Tree, should you wish to do so.

Let's face it, nothing says 'Xmas' quite like a wobbling cardboard cutout of an anteater…


Winter Holidays

I had promised Wilson a nice walk in the woods yesterday, but the constant torrential rain was so bad that I let him off and instead took him out for dinner at the newly-refurbished pub just outside the village. 

We had a lovely meal and a super dessert (home-made rhubarb crumble) and over a glass of wine I told W that we would be going on holiday before Xmas… with one condition.

I would organise it myself, and he wouldn't know where we were going until we set off. Also, I asked him to leave his iPad at home so he could really relax. 

'New Dad, that's two conditions!' he observed.

I conceded that he was correct, and he said 'Alright! We're going on holiday — Woot!'


The Reality Problem...

I pointed out to Wilson that the very next issue of New Scientist said that there probably wasn't a multiverse after all. 

'Really?' he asked, 'You're not just saying that?'

'No, really!' I assured him.

Unfortunately, that issue is still somewhere in the bottom of the recycling bin, languishing under the bean cans and ketchup bottles…

He says he might write to Dr Who ℅ the BBC if he's not feeling any better by tomorrow.

In the meantime, his Twitter friends have been very supportive I hope this takes his mind off thoughts of 'Reality' before he starts thinking that he's 'not real' again…