
Snubbed by The Queen

Wilson was very disconcerted today to learn that he had yet again been snubbed by HM The Queen who has apparently decided to ignore his repeated requests to 'regularise' his OBE in the New Year Honours list. 
He says he is considering returning his OBE and becoming a Republican. 
I pointed out that he could hardly return his OBE if he didn't actually have it, but W dismissed my objection as 'a mere detail,' saying that the OBE was 'temporarily misplaced, probably under the sofa.'


Wilson gets it up!

Today there was a light breeze, so Wilson and I headed once again for the park. This time the kite flew like a bird, and W really enjoyed himself! 
He said that it reminded him of his time as a pilot, before he was cruelly grounded. But reminded him in a good way.



The weather today was fine, so Wilson and I took his kite to the park. We had an energetic time running up and down, but the total lack of wind ensured that his kite remained firmly earthbound. W is certain the kite is faulty.
The exercise we got was good for both of us, following our Xmas over-indulgence. Also, I remembered the advice the psychiatrist gave us after he had seen W: that we should spend more time together, get more exercise and fresh air, and Wilson should do things more appropriate for an anteater. 
Well, if kite flying isn't appropriate, I don't know what is!


Boxing Day

We had a lovely day yesterday! 
Wilson's presents included:
a kite
a box of dried ants
an ant farm
and some computer games:
'Empire of the Ants'
Antony received a small toy anteater.
Wilson gave me 12 new journals, a pack of top-markers and a box of rubber bands, which I thought was a very thoughtful gift.
In the evening we played Twister, and W's specially-adapted version of Mousetrap: AntTrap!


Happy Xmas Everyone!

Wilson and I would like to wish ALL our friends, family and followers a VERY happy Xmas! 
There won't be any updates tomorrow because we'll both be relaxing*, but look out for us again on Boxing Day! 



Wilson's cards arrive

Yesterday the postman delivered the Xmas cards from Wilson's family. 
As he predicted, they were all identical. This is apparently a ploy his mother, Mrs Vermilingua, employs to make sure her numerous children don't squabble over who has the best card. W, for the same reason, sends everyone in his family an identical card.
However, W was disturbed by one unexpected card; it was of a different design, bore a very torrid message and was signed 'From your secret admirer XXXXX.' 
He wouldn't let me read the message as it was 'too embarrassing' but he consoled himself by observing that this year, 'whoever this person is, she hasn't stolen any of my artwork. Unlike the Valentines Day card!'
Can romance be in the air for young Wilson? The mystery continues…