

I don't know how he's managed to fit it in, but with Byron's assistance Wilson has created a recipe for a new snack.
It's a crunchy bar containing Termites (ugh! 🤮) which he intends to market with his friend Arnold*.
It's not in production yet, but in typical fashion Wilson has started advertising it – he says this is to create an 'unfulfilled demand' – which he assures me is an established marketing technique.
I really don't know how much demand there is ever going to be for a Termite Bar, unfulfilled or otherwise…

*Visit Arnold here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CCjOIfNBC74/
or search for: the.gourmet.anteater



Wilson is in the library installing (aka playing with) the light-box Nërp has made for him.
Obviously the first thing he did was to write rude words, but now he's settling down with it.

Byron is not with him because he's had another of those tantalising dreams in which he sees a lot of amazing art – sculptures and installation pieces mostly – but as soon as he wakes up he can't remember any of them.
He told me that as soon as he woke he sensed them disappearing from his memory one by one…
He's having a doze on the sofa in hopes of something coming back to him, so he can make it himself and become a famous and successful artist.





Nërp's first project was to build a light-box for Wilson.

He says that he's just flexing his Inventing Muscles and has much bigger projects planned for the future…

Wilson is very pleased with the light-box, and he and Byron have taken it up to the library to install it.




Wilson was relaxing in the garden, soaking up what might prove to be the last of the summer sun, when he came across an alarming article in  the paper.

It seems that the famous Bristol-based graffiti artist, Banksy, has lost a court case to protect the copyright of one of his works, Flower Thrower, because he refuses to reveal his true identity!

This has prompted Wilson to confirm that he, Wilson B Vermilingua, is in fact the previously-anonymous graffiti artist Antsy, author of such works as Anteater With Balloon and Ant Drop, and hereby asserts his rights.

It has also led him to think about copying many of Banksy's works, because they are all now effectively copyright free…



Encouraged by his repair to the fridge yesterday, Nërp has remembered how he used to enjoy making and inventing things.

Consequently, he has shut himself away in his workshop to invent something.
He has been resolutely tight-lipped as to what this 'something' might be, so I'm just hoping it's not too big.
Or too expensive…
Or dangerous…
If you have any small repairs you'd like Nërp to undertake for a very reasonable fee, please do get in touch – there's little chance of him doing any chores here, so he might as well do something to earn his keep.
Although my Top Tip would be: keep your expectations low




Nërp has finally put a patch over the window in the fridge – or The Cold Room as it was briefly known.
It's not quite as neat as I'd hoped, but I don't like to criticise his workmanship…

Speaking of the Cold Room, are you missing the heatwave yet? It's starting to feel distinctly Autumnal here...




International Talk Like A Pirate Day has passed, and apart from World Anteater Day and Fireworks Night there's nothing to look forward to until Xmas… and goodness knows what that will be like this year!
However, Wilson has a way of making his own amusements so I don't suppose we'll be unduly bored…
REMINDER: the best place to read Wilson's adventures is at the Blog: https://antwars2.blogspot.com/
or the Appreciation Society: https://tinyurl.com/WilsonAppSoc