
Missing without trace!

We were all in quite a sombre mood over breakfast, and later in our room as Wilson, the boys and I all packed our cases and made ready to leave the hotel and Bournemouth. 

We carried everything out to the car park and were preparing to load the car when W noticed something was missing — Antony and Tiny Toy had disappeared! 

They were both with us a moment before, but now they were nowhere to be seen...


Holidays all have to end...

Yesterday was the last day of our holiday. 

Over breakfast Wilson told me that he'd had a brilliant time and, although he didn't want the holiday to end, he was quite keen to get home and see how production of his Mk2 WASTE clock was coming along.

Antony said he'd had a good time too, while in a very tiny voice Tiny Toy timidly said that this had been the most exciting few days of his life.

Of course, TT doesn't get out much...


Co-piloting is harder than it looks!

Antony was feeling a bit overwhelmed by now, so we sat him in the restaurant with a Pepsi Max while Wilson and I climbed into another aircraft which he kindly consented to allow me to co-pilot for him. 

I clearly had no idea what I was doing, so he patiently explained what he thought some of the dials and switches were for.

Following this briefing he sat back in the pilot's seat and started making loud engine noises, interspersed with shouts of 'Ants at twelve o'clock, New Dad!', 'Watch our six, New Dad — bandits!' etc. 

It was very exciting, but we had to 'land' quite soon as Wilson was out of breath from making all the engine noises. 


Chocks Away!

Wilson called down to Antony, 'Pass me my bally helmet old chap, there's a good fellow!'
Then after wiggling what he called the 'beer lever' he shouted:

'Chocks away old boy, got to go and beat Anty so we can all be home before Xmas!'


'Flying is in my Blood!'

Once inside Wilson began telling Antony that 'Aviation is in my blood!' 

I've lost count of the times I've heard about W's Great, Great … Grandfather, the legendary Blue Baron of the Great Ant Wars of 1921, but I listened again as these tales were re-told to Antony. 

War heroes must be honoured, after all, and it's not as though there are any in my family that I know of...


Aircraft Museum!

Today is a day Wilson has been looking forward to since the start of the holiday: our visit to a local Aircraft Museum.

Wilson is seen here contemplating the admission charges and wondering whether he'll have to pay for Antony. 

Coincidentally, I was wondering whether I'd have to pay for W!


TT has an exam

Last night Wilson took his microscope to the restaurant so he could 'Check the food for microbes.' 

I was afraid there might be a scene with the chef, particularly as this was the first time W had used his microscope and he had no idea what a microbe looked like, so while we were waiting for our order to arrive I persuaded him to examine Tiny Toy through his instrument. 

After the meal W confided to me, out of Antony's hearing, that TT was not as well made as he'd expected and he might soon need some emergency needlework…