
Night at the Museum

Wilson didn't come in last night, but spent all night working in his Museum. I still don't know what he's up to, but I could see him moving about in there, and there were occasional nerve-grating noises of rusty metal scraping against rusty metal.

I may not know what he's working on, but I do recognise the signs that he's becoming obsessed by something! If the weather's as nice tomorrow as it is today I'm going to insist we go out for a ride in the car to take his mind off whatever it is. 

I'll try to think of somewhere he'll be interested to go…


Secret project

I can't really trust Wilson to do any of the gloss painting with oil-based paint, so I left him to his own devices while I got on with the decorating myself.

I didn't see anything of him all day yesterday, but this morning I caught sight of him leaving The Museum, looking a bit shifty.

When I asked him what he was up to he told me he was working on a Top Secret Project that would take my breath away, but since it was still Top Secret he couldn't reveal any details.

'However,' he added, 'it will make us all rich! RICH!'

He has told me things like this before. 

Usually it means trouble and expense.

Perhaps this will be the exception which proves the rule… but I'm not holding my breath.


Little helpers

Wilson has enlisted the assistance of Antony and Tiny Toy with painting the lowest parts of the walls. 

The bees have declined to let the Johnson Brothers help, on the grounds that they won't be going on holiday to Norfolk, but they're watching and giving advice anyway.

Once Antony and TT had got the hang of what they were supposed to be doing, Wilson departed to watch Judge Rinder on daytime tv. He claims that it's educational, as he might like to be a High Court Judge with his own tv show when he grows up. He said it would be an opportunity to be very funny, rude and sarcastic to people while getting paid for it. 

I think he has a little still to learn about the UK's Legal System.

Or maybe not.


Recovery time

Wilson is 'recovering' from National Ant Day by watching a lot of back-to-back Doc Martin on tv — he says he might be a GP when he grows up.

I have reminded him he won't be going to Norfolk until the decorating is finished, and he replied that he would start work on it again tomorrow. 

'One hundred per cent definitely!' he added. 'Unless anything important crops up, of course...'


King Wilson

Wilson was once again successful in his bid to be Ant King of Uckfield, and has spent today sitting around in his crown, holding his famous 'anting' jam jar and eating honey on toast while relating his adventures to a rapt audience. 

He told me that after yesterday's exertions, decorating was out of the question for today. 

And probably tomorrow as well.


Welcome to the Bees' Blog!

Today we are going to share with you our special secret recipe — which is a great favourite with Wilson!

(For those of you who are concerned, our recipe is nothing like the Baldwin Sisters' Recipe in The Waltons!)

First take a slice of bread and put it in a toaster. Switch the toaster on for 2½ to 3½ minutes, or until the bread has turned into golden brown toast! Mmmm…

Then apply some lovely yellow butter and you are ready for the pièce de résistance, which is French for 'The Best Bit' — spreading on some beautiful golden honey! Don't stint with the honey — be generous and use lots! 

We call this dish 'Honey On Toast,' and if it's a bit complicated for you, or if we went through the recipe too fast, just keep practicing — it will be a firm favourite with the whole family!

Now I am required by a contractual obligation to mention National Ant Day, when Wilson goes out playing with ants or something...

But now for a very serious matter: a massive chemical company is doing something that kills bees, and we need to stop it! Just take a look at this link and see what you think...