

Some time ago, Wilson put his one completed Mk2 WASTE Clock on eBay. The unique feature of this clock is that it never needs adjusting for Winter or Summer Time — it just carries on showing the correct time throughout the year with its extra hour-hand!

The Hour changes back tomorrow morning, however, and his clock has not attracted any bids; no one is even 'watching' it. 

So he has prevailed on me, much against my better judgement, to place a bid on it, to stimulate interest. 

The reserve price is £250, so W says I should make a bid of £300, to make the clock look desirable.

This strikes me as sharp practice, as 'manipulating the market', but he assures me that 'everybody does it' and 'it never fails!'


Wilson is a Winner!

All thoughts of a Winter Holiday were (thankfully) put aside once the postman called this morning, bringing with him Wilson's PRIZE CD!

He entered a competition with the English Folk Dance and Song Society to win Kathryn Tickell & The Side's CD — and he won!

We popped it in the CD player in the car when we drove to Lewes to do the week's shopping and W tapped his paws to the music all the way there and back!

He told me that he's specially excited because, apart from the title of Ant King (which doesn't have a prize) he's never won anything before. 

Although he would have preferred if it had been the National Lottery he'd won, in which case he'd have bought himself a copy of the CD.


Winter break

Wilson caught me reading his notes on the fridge door this morning.

He shuffled about for a bit, before suddenly announcing, 'Honestly, New Dad, you're looking a bit peaky. I think a break would do you good!'

I fixed him with a sceptical stare, but he brandished a brochure about Holidays in the New Forest at me, then continued. 

'You need some, er,  Autumn colour. Some light. You need to get away from it all…'


Winter holidays aren't just cold, they're cool!

By the time we arrived home from the party Wilson was sound asleep, but I managed to lift him out of the car and pop him into the tumble dryer with Antony and Tiny Toy without waking him.

This morning, however, he was up before me, and when I came down to breakfast I found a new note on the fridge door extolling the virtues of a winter holiday.

If he'd put something about dodging Halloween and Guy Fawkes' Night I'd have been more kindly disposed to the idea…


Nutritional concerns

After his feed William fell into a deep and satisfied sleep while Wilson watched over him like a fretful father.

At first Wilson had been surprised that William hadn't brought Colin with him, but soon realised that he probably wouldn't have the social skills to deal with a big family gathering, and was better off at home playing with William's teddies.

When the party ended, Wilson shook hands with the guests and thanked them all for coming, as though it had been his party!

But as we walked back to the car he muttered to me, 'If I know one thing, it's that milk is not enough — that baby needs more ants!'


What are a Birthing Partner's duties?

When Baby William was fed, Wilson expressed some concern that he wasn't getting enough ants in his diet, adding that he had some spare dried ants with him if required.

As for his offer to be Rowena's Birthing Partner, it turns out when he helped his mother, Mrs Vermilingua, with her deliveries, this meant playing with his younger siblings to keep them out of the way, while his big Sister Andrea got on with the actual 'towels and boiling water — and lots of it!' business…


Party time!

We had a fabulous time at Ms Ann's Birthday Party! 

Wilson had a starter of nachos as well as a main course of linguini followed by two desserts, finally declaring himself 'too full to move safely'.  Although that didn't stop him also having a quite a big slice of birthday cake.

W met another of his friends at the party, Ms Rowena, who is also about to have a baby. He told her that he had helped his mother, Mrs Vermilingua, with many of her deliveries, and asked if she'd like him to be her Birthing Partner. 

Rowena smiled bravely and said she'd 'think about it'.