
December 1st!

'December the First!' Wilson cried out as he opened his eyes this morning, 'Only about 120 Sleeps until Xmas!'
There was great excitement when he thought he'd spotted an illuminated model anteater in one of the shop displays. He swore it must have been modelled on his great, great step uncle as it has the exact same ears. 
It turns out it was only a deer, but I think it's given W an idea…


November has been a very busy month for Wilson Vermilingua OBE!
I've just uploaded the tenth monthly volume of Ant Wars II: NOVEMBER 2012 so you can catch up on anything you've missed.
Please tell all your friends, as it is Wilson's stated ambition for his life story to be, as he puts it, "As Popular as Father Xmas!". 

You can download it or read it online at:

You can now SUBSCRIBE to Wilson's blog by email!

The BLOG is right here: http://antwars2.blogspot.co.uk/

You can TRANSLATE Wilson's blog into other languages!

You can COMMENT on Wilson's blog — and he'd love to hear from you!

Photographs of the lovely WILSON are by Tamanduagirl at 
http://www.livingwithanteaters.com/ and are used by kind permission.


Tinsel time!

Wilson is hoping to start decorating the house for Xmas tomorrow, so we had to pop out to do some last-minute tinsel shopping. 
I had no idea that choosing tinsel would be so difficult, or take so long. The colour, apparently, has to be just right. Pantone swatches were consulted frequently. 
Who knew?


World Electronic Greetings Day

Today is Electronic Greetings Day, so this message will be 140 chars.
long, Twitter format. However, Wilson has something VERY important to…


A love of stationery...

We continued our Xmas shopping at ASDA*.
Wilson has a deep-seated and profound love of stationery and spent a lot of time in this aisle, gazing lovingly at binders and notebooks, smelling the erasers and pencils.
I shall be very surprised if I don't get a stapler and a box of rubber bands for Xmas!

*That's like WalMart for English people


The perfect Xmas card

We did a little Xmas shopping today, and Wilson chose the cards to send to his family. He sends everyone in his family an identical card, to minimise jealousy and squabbling, so he had to choose the perfect card that would please everyone and offend no one. 
You might be surprised to learn how long that took.


Wilson is unable to help Greece

Wilson is a bit disappointed not to have had a reply from the Greek Prime Minister. He told me that the PM probably thought his offer to help him through the economic crisis was too generous to be true, but still he should have sent an email thanking him. 
'My paws are tied, though!' he continued. 'There is no way I can print any more money until I get some more cyan ink!'


Walking the walk...

We've just arrived back from Brighton Marina. While we were there Wilson had another cup of the 'best in the world' hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows at The Laughing Dog Café and Gallery. He insisted that Antony should also have one of his own which, unsurprisingly, W finished for him – the cup was bigger than Antony who is, after all, only a small stuffed toy.
The purpose of our visit, though, was to install some of Wilson's Walk-of-Fame stickers. 
He's very pleased with the result, but asks that you continue to apply pressure to the Walk-of-Fame people to have a real Walk-of-Fame plaque installed with his name on it.