

Wilson has just given me my Belated Birthday Presents: a Slushie machine for the kitchen, and a subscription to Netflix.

At the moment he is in the living room drinking Raspberry-and-Ant Slushies while watching Star Trek – Discovery on Netflix with most of the rest of the family.

I mentioned my fears about our level of expenditure, but W told me not to worry, as his new invention will take care of all our financial woes, with plenty to spare...



My birthday was a few weeks ago. On the day, Wilson wished me a Happy Birthday, but said that my presents weren't quite ready yet.

Today he's told me that they will be arriving tomorrow!

I'm pretty excited, but I just hope the delay wasn't because he'd maxed out my VISA card: he's really only supposed to use that for food shopping...

In the meantime, while we wait with bated breath to see what my Birthday Gifts are, here is the October page of your free 2017 Calendar...



Pissed-off by Politicians?

Relax and see what life is really about, with Wilson Vermilingua!





Following Wilson's Pencil research yesterday, I have received a surprisingly large invoice for a 100-pack of Tombow Mono 100 pencils. 

Now, in spite of us only having just returned from our holiday in Weston-super-Mare, he is lobbying to go on holiday to the Lake District, so that he can visit the Pencil Museum there.

Additionally, a new series of Star Trek started last Monday, and W is also mounting a campaign to subscribe to Netflix so he can watch it.

I love Star Trek as much as anyone, but what with the expense of our last holiday and the costly pencils – not to mention Xmas – I simply don't think we can afford it.

In other news, Wilson was a bit put out that he was away for International Talk Like A Pirate Day – he said he tried Talking Like A Pirate at the Zoo, but nobody understood what he was saying...



Now that things are approaching what passes here for Normality, Wilson has settled down to do some research on Pencils, before starting work on designing his Ant Identifying Pencil

Pencils, he tells me, are WAY more interesting than you might think – for example, did you know that Napoleon was responsible for the modern pencil? 

Or that, before rubber erasers, people used to rub out their mistakes with bread? 

Or that the Japanese make today's most sought-after and expensive pencil, the Tombow Mono 100?

I will freely admit that, while I didn't know most of these things, my life does not feel greatly enriched by having acquired this knowledge...



Following his visit to his family, Wilson has now sorted some things out in his head.

As he proudly hung the portrait of his Great Great […] Grandfather, Alberto Victor Gutiérrez-López (who grew up to be the legendary Blue Baron in the Great Ant Wars of 1921) he explained to me:

1) he will continue to call his biological grandmother (ie Mrs Vermilingua) Mum;
2) he will continue to call his biological mother (ie Andrea) Andrea;
3) he will continue to refer to – and think of – his biological uncle (ie Kenneth Byron Eustace Vermilingua) as his half-brother, and continue to call him Biro!; and finally
4) he will continue to refer to me as his New Dad.

In another piece of news, Andrea has revealed the TRUE date of Wilson's birthday. However, he's quite keen to keep his 'official' birthday going too. 

TWO birthdays a year? I've told him I'll think about it...