

Like most successful businessmen, Wilson is very good at Delegating – it's just a shame that the similarity doesn't extend to actually being successful.

He is always happy to delegate tasks which he doesn't want to do, or which might get him into trouble.

This is the reason it's poor Nërp that's been tasked with fly-posting adverts for Wilson's Xmas CD – the recording was only completed last night, but already W's well-oiled Publicity Department (headed by marketing guru Antony) has swung into action.

I reminded Wilson that in the recent past I had categorically forbidden him to do any fly-posting. 

He considered for a moment, then told me he had 'Absolutely no recollection' of me ever saying that…



Wilson has noticed a lot of tv adverts for Xmas CDs and, thinking they sound like a bit of a money maker, has liberated my old reel-to-reel tape recorder from his Museum.

The whole family has been assembled in his Library and are singing what W describes as 'All the Old Favourites' while he conducts – or at least, waves his arms in the air in approximate time to the singing.

After a couple of 'takes' he confided to me that it would sound a lot better with the help of the Animatronic Polar Bears from the garden centre singing background harmonies, and asked me whether I'd drive round there to enquire if they'd help out. He told me to say there'd be a Fish Supper in it for them – it appears he has not fully grasped the meaning of the term 'animatronic'.

He also asked me whether I'd any idea how much an Autotune™ Machine might cost.



Here is a taste of what you can expect in the way of Free Decorations this year.

Even Nërp has joined in the… um, fun!

Perhaps I should have warned you to lower your expectations?

I will advise you now, though, that some of the items have been slightly recycled from previous years – but I'm sure we're all agreed that recycling is a good thing?



Following yesterday's incident in the supermarket I've grounded Wilson, Byron and Nërp! 

I've given them some crayons and paper, sat them in the dining room and suggested they design some DIY Xmas decorations.

With any luck this will enable us to avoid any extortionately expensive purchases at the Garden Centre and keep them out of mischief…