

As soon as it got dark, Wilson lit his firework.

As displays go, it was a fairly low-key affair, consisting as it did of just one Golden Rain left over from Bonfire Night, but I suppose it did qualify.

The Eurovision Song Contest is one of the Big Events in Wilson’s year, and he’s a bit miffed to be missing it tonight. 

He told me earlier that UK Entry SuRie is a ‘shoe-in’ because 

(A) she is very nice, 
(B) she is singing a good song and, most importantly, 
(C) at least half the countries voting aren’t in the EU – where everyone hates us!
He’s asked me to record the show so he can watch it when he gets home from the Diner, but NOT to tell him who won.



Today, as you know, is Wilson’s Official Birthday, but he is at The Happy Ant Diner – along with everyone else – cooking and making last-minute preparations for the Grand Opening this evening.

He has stationed Nërp outside with a tray of Free Snacks for passers-by to taste. I suggested he might want to take it easy with the ant garnishes, but I don’t know whether he’s heeded my advice.

Whatever, Nërp reports a ‘brisk uptake of free snacks’ and assures me that no-one spat the food out – not while he was looking, anyway.



As Friday’s Grand Opening draws ever closer, Wilson is beginning to show some signs of nervousness. 

He’s got a lot riding on this latest enterprise – not only hard cash (mostly mine!) but also his credibility as a businessman. Person. 

He and Byron are up near the shop pasting up Opening Night posters – but I’ve told them not to stick any in places where people might be annoyed by them.

I suppose that’s down to W’s discretion really. 

If he has any – I’ve never noticed any signs of it…



Wilson has put the juke box back together and it appears to be working, although there are quite a few parts left over.

W has adopted a very sanguine attitude, saying that there were obviously too many parts in the first place.

I have some sympathy with this view, as whenever I have to look at a car engine, I always think half  the bits are there just to make it look more complicated than it really is, to justify mechanics’ high prices.

Anyway, due to an oversight on Wilson’s part, next Friday is not only the Opening Night of the Happy Ant Diner, it is also his Birthday!

Obviously something had to change, so he’s brought his birthday forward a few days, to today.

Consequently, the Diner is closed for “A Private Function” while W has his party, opens his presents etc.

The trick will be stopping him trying to have ANOTHER party on Friday…



I’m not sure that five days before Opening Night is the ideal time for Wilson  to dismantle his juke box.

With Nërp’s and Antony’s help he’s trying to modify the mechanism to take his Peter Dawson 78s, because for some reason he thinks they’re the ideal accompaniment to fine dining.

I fear he may have bitten off more than he can chew this time – I just hope he can get the juke box reassembled and working again by the time he has to return it, or he’ll have to forfeit the deposit…