
TV interference

Wilson's Light Sabre seems to cause a lot of interference on our TV — you'd think the Jedi Scientists would have sorted that out by now!

I pointed this out to W, who replied, 'But how could they be jamming us if they don’t know… that we’re… coming?'  As usual, I don't know what he's talking about, but he agreed to keep his weapon turned off at least while Boardwalk Empire is on tonight. 

We didn't watch much of Children in Need last night, but W was very affected by what we did see, and was moved to make a donation. 

If you'd like to do the same, you can go to: http://tinyurl.com/9ej37v2 


Make it so

Today, Wilson is communicating only in quotations from Star Wars. He says that it's part of 'The Method.' 

I asked him if he fancied coming into the village with me for a coffee, and he said, 'Awwwww! But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!'
I have no idea what that means, but I took it as a No and asked him if he'd like me to bring him a cup of tea and a cookie? 

He deepened his voice and replied, 'Make it so, Mr Riker!'

I'm not an expert, but even I know that's Star Trek, not Star Wars!


The Method

Amazon has just delivered a load of book about Method Acting, all addressed to Wilson. He's in the conservatory with them now, reading about Lee Strasbourg and Stanislavsky and 'The Method.' 

Also, he appears to be speaking to me only in quotes from Star Wars

The sooner this audition comes and goes, the better!


An unusual insurance claim...

I've just found a Light Sabre burn on the sofa. I don't know exactly how I'm going to explain that to the insurance company.

Wilson has received yet another message of encouragement, this one from his friend Joe:
"The Force, young Wilson, strong with you may be."

Although this is clearly from Joe, W insists that it's really from Yoda, and won't be persuaded otherwise. He's taking it as a very Good Omen.


I am your father!

Wilson is now in rehearsal, with Polly-B playing the part of Darth Vader: 
W: 'I'll never give in. You killed my New Dad!'
P-B: 'Bzzzzz No, Luke, I AM your bzzz father!'
W: 'Noooooooooooo!'
P-B: 'Yessssszzzzz!'
W: 'Why did you cut my arm off?'
And so on.

WIlson's friend Rhonda has sent him a message: 
"Break a leg, Wilson!!"

At first he thought this was a curse from a rival auditionee, but I explained that it was in fact a traditional good-luck message to actors of the highest calibre. 


Star Wars script

Wilson has settled down in the dining room, his trusty Light Sabre (he hasn't tried it yet — couldn't find enough AA batteries) and a cup of tea at his side, script on his lap, learning his lines for his Star Wars Audition. Antony is helping by reading all the other characters' parts. 

Occasionally I will hear raised voices as W declaims in a Shakespearean voice, 'You are a member of the Rebel Alliance and a Traitor!' or 'Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try!' or something equally dramatic.

Meanwhile, messages of encouragement continue to trickle in; here's another typical one from his friend Sheila:

'Whoo hoo Wilson! Knock 'em dead in that audition!'


Light Sabre

Wilson has received several letters of support, encouraging him in his bid to land a starring role in the next Star Wars movie! 

Here is a typical message, from his friend Bob:

"I really would love to see Wilson in Star Wars; just imagine an X-wing fighter piloted by an ant eater, it would be a box office smash. Good luck, W, in the auditions."

He's just popped in to the village to buy a Light Sabre so he can start rehearsing tomorrow. 

Just a TOY Light Sabre, I hope!