

Wilson is still in his bed, brooding about Joni. 
I tried to console him by telling him that she too despises Bob Dylan; W replied she had 'probably heard his Xmas Album.'
What with Halloween, Guy Fawkes Night and Xmas there is so much for W to look forward to in the coming weeks. 
I'll try to snap him out of his desolation by taking him firework shopping later.


Lost love...

Well, that was quite a harrowing morning. I’ve broken the news to Wilson, and he didn’t take it well. He’s gone into a bit of a decline, sitting morosely in his box and refusing to come out. I tucked Antony in with him, but even he can’t cheer W up.
Lost love is a terrible thing. Lost first love is even worse.


Wilson ♥ Joni

It's worse than I thought. Far worse: Wilson wants to marry Joni Mitchell.
This is a tragic situation, not unlike that in The Who song, Pictures of Lily… He'll be so disappointed when he finds out Joni is no longer the lovely young girl in the photos but will in fact be 69 in a few days time. And lives half a world away.
I shall have to be very careful how I break the news to him...


Joni all the way...

The 'repercussion' I feared yesterday was that Wilson would listen to Cohen's Death of a Ladies' Man, but I should have been worrying about something else: W has been listening to Joni Mitchell. 
Michael from Mountains, Sisotowbell Lane, songs I've not listened to in decades… such a different, innocent time in my life. 
And now, it seems, in Wilson's life too.


Joni Mitchell

Wilson was working on my iMac and he accidentally turned on iTunes' Home Sharing. 
Now he's got access to EVERYTHING on his iPad: to Death of a Ladies' Man and my entire Joni Mitchell collection. 
I hope this doesn't have any repercussions…


Halloween shopping

Now that Wilson's pumpkin is carved we're at the Garden Centre choosing his Halloween outfit and any other stuff he can talk me into. 
They've got their Guy Fawkes Night fireworks on display too, plus a load of Xmas stuff. This could turn out to be an expensive trip…


Daylight Saving

I got up very early this morning… or so I thought. It turned out that Wilson had put all the clocks back by an hour.
'The hour doesn't change until next Sunday,' I told him.
'I know that,' he replied, 'but it's always such a shock to my system that I thought I'd do it a week early, to give us a chance to get used to it gradually.'
Who knows? Perhaps I'll be grateful next Sunday. After a week of getting everywhere an hour early.