

This morning Wilson emailed the editor of Astronomy Now magazine, partly to chase him up, partly to suggest that naming his new planet 'Vermilingua' might have more gravitas than his original suggestion of 'Wilson'.

Barely had he clicked Send when a new message pinged in from the editor, their communications having crossed in the ether. Or cyberspace.

It was a very nice message, thanking W for apprising the magazine of his new planetary discovery and his naming suggestion.

However, it continued, it would not be possible to call it 'Wilson' as it already had a name: BA8461 CFE13U.

It appears that W's 'New Planet' was a BA CityFlier aircraft en route from London City Airport to Ibiza.

'Oh,' Wilson said, rather crestfallen. 'Well, I suppose that explains the flashing lights...'

Today's FURbruary Task Suggestion: Love a Lobster!



Wilson is a bit down today, having just learned of the detection yesterday of Gravity Waves.

His low spirits are due in part to his thinking that the editor of Astronomy Today magazine might now be to busy too deal with his email about his new planet, and partly because the gravity wave news will depress the resale value of his telescope on eBay.

'No-one will want a telescope after this,' he explained to me, 'they'll all want gravitywavescopes!'

Today's FURbruary Task Suggestion: Kiss a Kingfisher!



Uncle Zoltan is convalescing in bed following his accident with Wilson's telescope. 

Wilson fears that he will fall prey to some unscrupulous No-Win No-Fee solicitor who will persuade him to sue W for having an unsafe telescope.

Polly has gone to visit Uncle Z with some of the children, taking with her a bottle of Lucozade and a big flagon of nasty medicine... and strict instructions from W not to mention compensation!

While she was away on her mission of mercy, Wilson remarked that if Uncle Z is the telescope expert he claims to be, it's a shame he didn't know a bit more about not falling into them. 

And not walking all over the main mirror!

Today's FURbruary Task Suggestion: Cuddle a Crow!



Uncle Zoltan was finally freed from the telescope last night after Polly knitted a tiny rope ladder which was lowered down the barrel, enabling him to climb out.

As soon as Uncle Z was free, Wilson inspected the optics of his apparatus and complained that there were now a lot of tiny footprints all over the main mirror, which will require him ordering a specialist feather duster or similar on-line.

Still no news about his 'new planet' from Astronomy Now magazine, but W distracted himself by cooking Shrove Tuesday pancakes for dinner. 

Once I'd picked the ants out of mine, I have to admit they were delicious...

Today's FURbruary Task Suggestion: Make The Most of a Mouse!



Last night Uncle Zoltan, who knows almost everything about almost everything (allegedly) was explaining to Wilson how the optics of a Reflecting Astronomical Telescope work... when he fell in!

He's been stuck inside all night, and since first thing this morning W and The Bees have been out in the garden feeding him honey and trying to liberate him. 

Although everyone is doing their very utmost to effect a rescue, Uncle Z is not in the best of moods... which is a Very Bad Thing!

Still, it has taken Wilson's mind off his 'new planet' for a little while!

Today's FURbruary Task Suggestion: Buddy Up with a Bee!



Year of the Monkey!

Following his discovery last night of a 'new planet' Wilson is composing an email to the Editor of Astronomy Now, informing him of his breakthrough and proposing that it should be called Planet Wilson. 

He's just told me that his planet had flashing lights on it, so there is probably an intelligent alien civilisation living on it...

For my part, I feel as though I've been living on 'Planet Wilson' pretty much ever since he came to live with me.

Today's FURbruary Task Suggestion: Be Matey with a Monkey!



Undismayed by the light rain and the 100% cloud cover, Wilson peered enthusiastically through his telescope as darkness fell.

I kept him company because it seemed unkind not to, and as he scanned the skies he explained to me that Pluto has recently been de-planetised, meaning that there are now only EIGHT planets. He is on a mission to discover a new planet to make up the numbers again, and so restore order to the Universe.

Okay, I made up that last bit about restoring order to the Universe... though I wish something would!

Suddenly he called out to me, 'New Dad! New Dad! Make a note of the exact time and write down these coordinates — I've just found a New Planet!'

Today's FURbruary Task Suggestion: Be Generous to a Giraffe!