

I hope you had a wonderful Winter Solstice Celebration yesterday (or Summer Solstice Celebration, for those of you lucky enough to be in Australia or New Zealand!)

Also I hope your hangover isn't as bad as Wilson's…

He and Byron have gone round to the mail box to post their letters to Father Xmas – talk about leaving it to the last minute!

Byron still seems quite sceptical about Father Xmas, raising many philosophical and pragmatic objections to his existence.

Moreover, he said that Father Xmas' constant monitoring of Naughtiness vs Niceness reminded him of Big Brother in George Orwell's classic dystopian novel, 1984!

Wilson advised him to suspend his disbelief or he wouldn't get any presents, so he eventually consented to pop his letter to this most unlikely of Household Gods through the slot…



Today is the WINTER SOLSTICE and, as Wilson pointed out, from tomorrow every day will be a little longer, and we'll be one day closer to Summer!

He also pointed out that longer days will mean a longer wait until Xmas, though I'm not certain he's right about that…

While we're waiting for Summer, though, (or Spring even!) Wilson, Byron and the whole family would like to wish you a Very Happy Yule!

In the picture you can see our Winter Yule Log Cake – since the photo was taken, I must confess the cake has been eaten… and we're half way through our spare!



The boys have decided not to open their presents from Father Xmas until Xmas Morning – such self-control!

To pass the time, Byron is enjoying himself by checking out the books in the Library. 

Wilson, however, is sitting in his arm chair staring at his present, consumed with curiosity, wondering what it can possibly be.

I shall be astonished if he hasn't given in and opened it before Xmas Day! 



Wilson and Byron have received their presents from Father Xmas, but haven't yet opened them – Byron suggested that it would be better to wait until Xmas morning to open such a special gift.

I'll be very surprised if Wilson can hold out that long!

On the drive home, Wilson heard something on the radio about Xmas Number One records.

Apparently Fairytale of New York earns Shane MacGowan and his co-author £540,000 ($678,000) every year, and Noddy Holder (who wrote Merry Xmas Everybody) said that having an Xmas Hit was like 'Winning the Lottery every 25 December for the rest of your life' – a lottery win that this year will be worth £800,000 ($1M+).

These remarks were not lost on Wilson, and he and Byron spent the rest of the journey sitting on the back seat of the car 'Writing a No1 Xmas Hit Song.'

Today they are recording that song, a pathos-filled number called Do the Ants Know It's Xmas? by Wilson Vermilingua, feat Biro V and the Bees Chorus.

The B-side will apparently be called: If Every Day was Xmas, when would we do the shopping? – if the boys can finish writing it in time…



Wilson has taken Byron to one side so that he can explain the Real Meaning of Xmas to him…
'Xmas,' he explained confidently, 'was invented, oh, years ago by Ms Queenie Victoria and her husband Al, and by Mr C Dickens. Nowadays it is sponsored by Amazon, John Lewis, VISA, the Hallmark Card Company and the Brussels Sprouts Marketing Board.'
Byron considered this, but looked doubtful.
'Xmas is especially vital now.' W continued, 'In a time of Brexit Uncertainly and Political Turmoil: without Xmas the entire UK Economy might collapse –  and then how would I become a millionaire?'
Byron scratched his head thoughtfully, but before he could raise any objections Wilson briskly announced, 'Now come with me and let's get our presents before the Elves revolt and Father Xmas has us thrown out!'