Yesterday I suggested to Wilson that perhaps he should do some Market Research about the design of the packaging for his and Arnold's Tinned Termites project.
He took my suggestion surprisingly well, and this morning he made a presentation to what he calls his Focus Group – and discovered that the termite image on his Tinned Termites design was not universally popular.
While he and Byron agreed that the termites on the tin looked 'well succulent' some of the others disagreed.
Even those with the most catholic of tastes found the image – particularly the wings – 'a bit yucky…'
Still, that's the whole point of Focus Groups and Market Research: to find out what people *really* think.
Consequently, the can has been redesigned, with less emphasis on the food itself, more on its nourishing qualities and allegedly delicious taste…
I think it looks much better now – although I wouldn't want to eat it – or even touch the tin, actually…