
Interval refreshments

In this picture you can just make out Wilson fighting through the theatre crowds to buy ice creams during the interval. Naturally there were no ant-flavour ice creams, but he whispered to me that it didn't matter because he'd brought his own ants to sprinkle on. Some of these escaped and caused a measure of discomfort to the woman sitting next to W, but we both pretended not to notice and I think we got away with it.
After the performance, W got to meet Miss Julia the choreographer, ending what was altogether a very exciting day. 
W sang 'That's Your Funeral' and 'As Long As He Needs Me' all the way home in the car. 
ALL the way home.



On the evening of his birthday, after tea, I took Wilson to see a production of Oliver! This was the first time he'd been to any kind of live theatre, and he was completely caught up in the performance. 
At one point he tried to join the cast on stage and I had to restrain him. Once he'd picked up the tunes he sat in his seat clapping his paws in time and singing along, which did draw one or two disapproving glances. But so what - it was his birthday!