Before we could leave HMS Belfast we obviously had to Exit Through the Gift Shop, and Wilson decided that the one thing in the world he couldn't live without was a sailors' cap.
Once ashore, it doesn't take him long to find a restaurant.
Wilson really loved the engine rooms and we seemed to spend most of our time down there. Eventually we emerged and Wilson announced that he was starving and would like to visit the Ship's Mess for lunch.
All that was on offer on-board were light snacks, so we're heading ashore, or 'Going on shore leave' as W puts it, in search of 'rations — and a tot of rum'!
Wilson is now getting very excited about our holiday in Jersey; so excited that he has already packed his case and can no longer sleep at night.
To calm him down and give him something else to think about, I'm taking him up to London to see HMS Belfast, an old WWII warship moored on the River Thames.
I hear that there is a lot of machinery to see and a lot of climbing involved, so he should enjoy it.
Wilson has installed the new bust in the niche in the Folly! It looks very well there, and everyone is happy — even Antony is no longer scared to go into the garden with his Tiny Toy.