
We're All Going on a Winter Holiday!

I tried to convince Wilson to take only one suitcase, but I eventually relented and let him take a separate 'emergencies' bag, which I suspect is full of Cheesy Wotsits and Ant-Based Snacks, but it's not very big.

Once all the packing was in the car everyone gathered in the front room to wave us off.

As we drove away I whispered the name of our destination to W, who immediately started to panic! He calmed down once I explained, but his reaction might be a clue to you of where we are going.

Otherwise, you'll just have to wait until we get back and we show you the photos!

In the meantime the bees Polly-B and Billi-B will take care of you on the blog (they're both very excited!) and Wilson and I will see you in a few days…


Packing for a holiday

This morning I told Wilson that we'd be going on holiday Saturday, but our destination is still a mystery to him — all he knows is that he won't need his passport.

He also doesn't know how long we're going for, and I think he's rather overestimated how much packing to take with him.

I shall have to have a word…


Computer Training Course

When we go on our holiday shortly, I have insisted that Wilson should leave his iPad at home so he can relax completely without constantly checking his email and Twitter accounts.

However, so that he is not completely out of touch with his friends, he is teaching Polly and Billi the Bees how to use his iMac to Blog on his behalf during his absence.

W says they are both quick learners and are taking in everything he tells them… the most important thing, apparently, being that they shouldn't let either of the Johnson Brothers anywhere near the computer!


Oh Xmas Tree, Oh Xmas Tree...

Today Wilson, with help and advice from the Bees, decorated the tree — and it looks lovely! 

Polly and Billi both counselled W that Monochromatic was the way to go for a sophisticated, 2014 look, so all the lights and decorations are white or silver, and the finished effect is very glittery and shimmery.

Polly summed it up, saying, 'It looks like a great big Xmas Diamond twinkling in the corner!' and they both assured Wilson that he would have 'A totes amazeballs Xmas!'


The lights must go up!

Today, despite the bitter cold and drizzle, Wilson started fixing up the outside Xmas Lights. 

We were both chilled to the bone when we finally came in so we had a big mug of hot chocolate with squirty cream and marshmallows together while we warmed up. 

Tomorrow I hope we'll be doing the Xmas Tree.


In front of a big fire! 


Wilson starts work on the decorations...

Given his love of climbing and of ladders, I quite thought Wilson would start with the lights on the side of the house, or perhaps the Xmas Tree, but instead he decorated the door wreath and the bay trees. 

I have made it quite clear that it is his job to go outside to turn off the lights at night, whatever the weather.


Xmas lights

Tomorrow will be 1 December, the date on which Wilson traditionally puts up the Xmas Decorations, and he's been in 'The Museum' (AKA Garden Shed) all day looking for some special plug he needs to work the outdoor lights. 

It's chaotic out there, but I know he won't quit until he finds it!