
Happy Birthday!

After a restless night in the tumble dryer, Wilson burst into my room shortly before dawn, wanting to know whether 'Father Birthdaymas' had been. Realising that resistance was irrelevant, I got up and we headed down to the living room where he unwrapped his presents.
His family sent their usual selection of identical birthday cards, and I gave him some Doctor Who figures and a train set. 
In addition, after Birthday Tea, I have a surprise planned for this evening!



Today we must leave Hastings to be home for Wilson's birthday tomorrow. Time first, though, for a ride on the Teacups and an (unsuccessful) attempt to win a soft toy on a Crane Grabber.
Wilson confided that he thought Hastings might be even better than Worthing, and he hoped our holiday in Jersey wouldn't be a disappointment after this trip to the jewel of the south coast. 
We didn't visit Hastings' caves on this trip, and I haven't mentioned them. Got to keep something back for our next visit!


Golf: a bit harder than it looks

When watching it on tv, Wilson has always thought golf looked easy-peasy, so he was anxious to try Crazy Golf (so as to avoid all the walking involved with real golf) now that he had the opportunity. 
On the way to the course he dragged me in to WHSmith as he said there was something he wanted to check.
I wonder how much that has cost? I imagine I'll find out when I get my VISA bill. On the bright side, W only narrowly beat me at Crazy Golf, admitting that it was 'a bit harder than it looks,' adding, 'but you are rubbish at it, New Dad!'


An exciting ride, followed by food

We rode the funicular railway to the top of the cliff and had some refreshments at a café overlooking the bay.
 Wilson was already pretty full as he hadn't stopped snacking since we arrived in Hastings, but he forced down some juice and cookies, then surveyed the town through the telescope.


Something less terrifying...

Denied a trip on the terrifying SpeedWave Ride, Wilson settles for a couple of more suitable amusements, Space Shuttle and Wack-A-Meerkat
When he's finished on those I've promised him we'll go to the top of the cliff for refreshments. He assumed that we'd be climbing the cliffs, but has grudgingly agreed to take the lift. 


Huh! Wilson is too short!

I was clearly right in thinking that Wilson still loves the Tellytubbies, as after his ride he offered his ice-cream to whichever the purple one is. Pinky Winky?
Next Wilson wanted to try a more grown-up ride, and ran onto the Wave Rider. The operator thought he might be too small and insisted he be measured. To my relief, however he stretched, and even including his ears, W couldn't quite reach the minimum height indicator and had to choose a ride suited to younger children. 

Bonjour tous les amoureux de fourmilier en France !


Hastings! The day starts well

Our first stop in Hastings was at an ice cream stall (obviously!) closely followed by a Tellytubbies Ride. Wilson always says that he's outgrown Tellytubbies, but I think he secretly still loves them. 
I was afraid taking the ice-cream onto a roundabout might have dire consequences, but all is well so far...