
Secret Rites…

Hello everybody, this is Polly and Billi The Bees, and this is our Guest Blog.

We know that today we were scheduled to tell you about The Birds, but quite honestly birds are dirty creatures and we don't think you'll really want to know about their disgusting habits, so instead we're going to tell you some more about Bees! Lovely! 

Today we're going to describe a Secret Rite carried out by bees which has never been seen by humans before — it's called 'Pollination'!

Wilson had been a bit concerned that his strawberry plant wasn't doing very well, so we offered to 'pollinate' it for him.

Now I'll admit that since Billi and I got married we have piled on the ounces, so flying is not as easy as it once was — this is why, in the photo, we're balancing on Wilson's head. That's Billi right on top, with the paintbrush, because she has the better head for heights. 

The paintbrush is an integral part of the 'pollination' ritual but its use is SO secret that I don't think we can reveal what it's used for.

Anyway, that is the Secret Rite of 'Pollination' explained — please keep this to yourselves or it won't be a secret any more, will it? 

We'll see you next month with more interesting Bee News when it's our turn to Guest Blog again. And remember to: BEE HAPPY!




The correct answer, the unfortunately- (but accurately-) named Big-Headed Ant, was determined by Wilson's long-time friend and WV App Soc* member Ms Jan — to whom, hearty congratulations!

By now even the sTone Brothers had arrived, and Uncle Zoltan, who'd scuttled away to the bee hive, returned with a freshly-baked celebratory cup-cake!

Once every last crumb of cake had been consumed (and the paper container thoroughly licked out) Wilson toddled off to finish his packing for our departure on Monday, while Polly and Billi the Bees left to work on tomorrow's Guest Blog. 

This, they assure me, is going to be 'a bit special' as it will reveal a 'secret, never-before-seen rite'!


Excitement reaches fever pitch

Tiny Toy and Antony have now revealed the third section of the Name That Ant! card, yet still no-one has worked out the answer! The garden is literally buzzing with anticipation. Or that might just be the bees, in which case, the garden is metaphorically buzzing with anticipation. Whatever.

Uncle Zoltan says that if somebody doesn't guess the answer soon he will quite swoon away! 

I think he was being sarcastic, but Wilson took exception to his use of the word 'guess' insisting that Name That Ant! is a game of skill in which guessing played no part. 

He also pointed out that the ants climbing up the card are not part of the clue, merely part of his lunch that he hasn't got round to eating yet.

Please do get in touch if you think you know the solution — Wilson has packing to do for our holiday, and the Bees want to do their Guest Blog on Saturday!


Can you Name That Ant in TWO?

Due to his being distracted by some ants he'd found in the garden, Wilson forgot to give you the answer to this week's first card, which was: Ghost Ant. This was correctly guessed by Ms Viv Styles — CONGRATULATIONS!

Back to the new card, though, and TT has carefully withdrawn the card a little further so you can see a bit more of the picture; the clue, you remember, is 'This ant should practice some humility.' 

Have you worked it out yet?

Uncle Zoltan whispered loudly to Billi that if nobody had guessed the answer by Saturday, he expected Wilson would cancel the Bees' Blog! 

Billi scowled at Uncle Z, while Polly remarked that Wilson was an anteater of honour, and she was sure he wouldn't do that.

This, for some reason, made Uncle Z laugh, and he replied, 'Let's hope someone guesses the answer and we don't have to find out!'

W ignored all this, as he was just finishing up the last of his ants.


Can you Name ANOTHER Ant in one?

Wilson was quite shocked that his card had been correctly guessed so quickly — he says that you're all getting too good and he'll have to find some really hard ones for you next time.

This next card isn't 'really hard' though, as he had prepared it before he knew how clever you all were. The clue for this one is: This ant should practice some humility.

Wilson called Polly over to look after his medal and keep an eye on the children as he'd just found some ants and was a tiny bit distracted. 

Polly told me that she and Billi were extremely excited about their next Guest Blog on Saturday, as they'd thought of something special to talk about that you probably won't have seen before!

I for one can hardly wait...


Name That Ant: the rematch

Wilson tells me that many of his friends are anxious to play another round of his card game, Name That Ant! 

As a reward for Antony's and Tiny Toy's achievement yesterday, he is putting them in charge the card this time. He told me privately that he'd been afraid TT might pull out too much of the card at once, thus revealing the answer, so he made him practice several times until he could do it perfectly.

Antony held the envelope steady, TT carefully withdrew the card exposing the first section and Wilson sang the clue: 

"If there's something strange

In your neighbourhood

Who ya gonna call?


Can YOU Name That Ant in one?


If you can read this, thank a teacher!

'I'm just going to write to my Mum, Mrs Vermilingua, to tell her about my medal and our holiday on Wight Island!' Wilson announced. 'Then I'll get another game of Name That Ant! ready — some of my friends are very anxious for a rematch.'

'Actually, it's always called the Isle of Wight,' I corrected him, 'because...'

'Whatevs…' he replied, cutting me off. 

He had just picked up his medal and coffee mug (in separate paws, to protect his medal from the heat) when something caught his eye: Tiny Toy had picked up a crayon and was adding an entry to the Holiday List!

'Well, I never know he could do that!' W exclaimed.

'Oh, I taught him to read and write while you were busy doing things without us!' Antony proudly explained, adding, 'It can be very boring when you do things without us…' 

'My Bursting Heart Must Find Vent At My Pen!' Tiny Toy cried. 

Wow — hidden depths or what?!