

The next work we came to was titled Second Moon and consisted of a DHL package in a vitrine. 

Inside the package was a fragment of Moon Rock which had orbited the Earth for a year by means of an Air Freight Courier, travelling counterclockwise at twice the speed of the actual Moon.

Wilson declared scathingly, 'Biro – it's a parcel! I could have given you an Amazon parcel myself, then we could be downstairs in the café now drinking coffee and buying souvenirs…'

Nërp moved across to Wilson and whispered, 'Please stop being so cynical – it makes you sound like a Philistine, and might be spoiling Byron's enjoyment.'



Finally we have entered the first gallery and seen some art!

Byron let out a little squeal of delight, then he and Nërp hurried over to look at a piece called Light Bulb to Simulate Moonlight (2008) part 1.

Wilson followed him and contemplated the piece in silence, finally observing dryly, 'It's several shelves covered in light bulbs. I could have seen this at B&Q's Lightbulb Department.'

Byron and Nërp moved on to part two of the work, again followed by W.

Wilson called out, 'Are you alright in there, Biro? I'd hate to think of you lost in the infinite depths of the universe…'



Entering the Turner Contemporary Gallery, we encountered two things none of us had expected!

The first was a lift [elevator] as big as a house – Byron remarked that it was bigger than the entire Anteater Enclosure at the Zoo, while Nërp compared it favourably to the factory where he had been built…

The second was when Wilson looked out of the massive windows overlooking the sea and thought he could see a man on the end of the groyne trying to drown himself

He had already grabbed his phone and started to call Emergency Services when Byron reached out and took the phone, informing him that what he could see was in fact a famous Antony Gormley sculpture.

Wilson was a bit put out as he'd thought this had been his chance to Save The Day and Be A Hero – perhaps even get his photograph in the Margate Mercury or the Isle Of Thanet News



Wilson (a reluctant art-lover) looked longingly at the outside café tables, while remarking how good the coffee smelled and how great was his need for a Danish Pastry, but Byron and Nërp waited by the entrance, giving him pleading and stern looks respectively.

Visiting the Turner Contemporary is really the raison de'être for our trip to Margate, and young Byron can't be done out of it now!

Besides, I'm quite looking forward to it myself, and I'm sure Wilson will come round in the fulness of time…



Just as paddling was a disappointment to Wilson, I hope The Turner Contemporary Gallery isn't a disappointment for young Byron – as that is where we're headed today!

Byron grew increasingly excited as we drew closer to the iconic building, and by the time we'd located the entrance was almost unable to contain himself...