Wilson has written a very stiff letter to the Editor at the Uckfield Examiner, outlining the facts, demanding that a full retraction and an apology be printed in the paper, and threatening him with the PCC and the Leveson Inquiry on Media Ethics.
He then asked me what I was planning for tomorrow. I said that I'd thought about a relaxed day drinking coffee and watching old movies. 'No, no, no!' he replied, 'tomorrow is National Ant Day - we must celebrate it in the traditional way with an Ant Search!'
W had assumed that I'd known about Ant Day - in Costa Rica it's apparently like Easter but with ants instead of eggs, and celebrated on the first Sunday in March. All the young anteaters go out into the countryside looking for the First Ant of Spring. The first anteater to find an ant is crowned Ant King or Queen and the ant is paraded round the town in a jam jar… before being eaten by the Ant King. Or Queen. 'Everyone knows that!' W said, scathingly.