Today I found Wilson wandering round a distinctly autumnal garden in a very listless and reflective way. This is rarely a good sign, so I asked him what was going on in his head.
'Oh, I'm just thinking about Baby William,' he replied, 'and life… and things…'
'You're not thinking of starting a babysitting service are you?' I enquired, 'Or opening a crèche?'
'CAN I?' he asked, his eyes lighting up.
'Totally, absolutely not!' I told him, using my stern voice to suggest, vainly, that I would brook to argument.
'Well,' he continued, 'I was also thinking how nice it would be to have a holiday!'
'Another holiday?' I exclaimed, 'We only got home from our last holiday a fortnight ago!'
'Yes, but the weather's still quite nice and we could just fit one in before Xmas...'