

As midnight draws (fairly) near and Tiny Toy snores gently (he's usually in bed by 5 pm) everyone has gathered in the dining room to wish you all a Very Happy New Year!

I know that Wilson — although he hasn't made any New Year's Resolutions per se — has many plans which he hopes to bring to fruition next year. 

I don't know what they are, so all I can do is await them with trepidation, and fear the worst!

Just as Uncle Zoltan was preparing to give a long and tedious toast about the turning of the year, Billi the Bee, rebellious as ever, suddenly interrupted, shouting: '2017 — could you just try to be a bit less crap than 2016?'

At first Uncle Z was flustered and quite annoyed, but after a moment's thought he repeated Billi's toast, and everyone clapped!

So, here's hoping YOUR 2017 will be happy, peaceful, healthy and a bit less crap than 2016 — CHEERS! 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷



Despite the bitter cold, Wilson wrapped up and ventured into the garden this morning to have a word with the sTone Brothers about New Year's Eve, and came across Mole the Mole, who asked if it would be possible for W to turn the heating up a little. 

Wilson immediately invited him indoors for the winter — who knows, perhaps he'll be able to help us out with our Xmas Cake Glut...

In other news, a fragment of information from Neil the Sloth: he has told us he used to live in the Gift Shop at the IoW Zoo.

Wilson is himself a member of the Great Sloth Dynasty, but even he is growing wearied of the time it takes to gain any information from Neil...



Much of Boxing Day was spent with Wilson and the older children playing The Chase

Diesel the Goldfish was allowed to take part, but before he's thought of the answer he's forgotten the question, so he's at a bit of a disadvantage.

The furry little brown guy sitting on the floor with Antony is Neil the Sloth — more about him as we find it out. 

He was a gift to Wilson from Dennis the Giant Anteater on the Isle of Wight, but he does everything s-o-o-o-o   s-l-o-w-l-y that it's taken us two days even to learn his name...



For Xmas Wilson gave me a pair of personalised number plates (which I'll show you later) and a gift-wrapped box of plastic forks, coffee stirrers, sachets of sugar and ketchup, half-size pencils, napkins, paper tape measures and tiny ball-point pens. He said that if I didn't want to use them, at least I had the basis of an excellent collection!

I gave Wilson some toys, The Chase board game and a 'Beach Hut' Kit for the garden — I thought he might like to paint it to look like a TARDIS so he can play Dr Who with his friends.

During the Queen's Speech, Wilson and the boys played Twister, with the smaller children playing a parallel game on a Finger Twister board!

Wilson was very excited to get a good ant joke in his cracker: 'How do you tell the sex of an ant? Drop it in water — if it sinks it's a girl ant; if it floats it's bouyant'!

W also received an unexpected gift from Dennis the Giant Anteater on the Isle of Wight — more about this later...