
A day in the sun

We visited Eastbourne yesterday, to make the most of the lovely weather. I had a fish & Chip lunch on the Pier, but vegetarian Wilson had only chips, leaving him a bit hungry… which led to an unpleasantness in the ornamental gardens: 
W spotted some 'well juicy' ants living underneath the pansies, and went to hoover them up. A very officious gardener shouted at me to 'get that dog off the grass and put it on a lead.' W naturally assumed that he was referring to someone else, so his feelings were unhurt and what could have been a very nasty scene was narrowly avoided.
Driving home, we noticed several queues of cars at filling stations, and I could see W was getting thoughtful. Suddenly he shouted, 'Jerry cans! I need to corner the market in Jerry cans and sell them at a huge profit! The money will all be invested in teddy bears for the sloth orphanage, so some good will come out of this suffering!' 
In spite of the sunny weather, my heart sank a little…


Birthday musings

Maybe for Wilson's birthday I could Sponsor a Sloth in his name? Or perhaps he'd like a boxed set of Bob Dylan or Leonard Cohen CDs? 
One of his friends has suggested a box set of Hugh Laurie's non-House work. I was doubtful at first, but now I think it might be a good thing to widen W's view of Laurie as an actor -- I'm pretty sure Wilson believes he really is a doctor called House and the show is a documentary.


Birthday problem

I'm wondering what to get Wilson for his birthday - it's difficult to buy for an anteater who, whatever he wants, just orders it himself from Amazon on my plastic. My only hope is to get him something he hasn't thought of. 
After Tim Roth, his big hero is Gregory House (Hugh Laurie) but buying him trainers and a walking stick seems inappropriate. Maybe he'd like the Hugh Laurie Blues CD 'Let Them Talk'? 
Does anyone have any ideas?


Birthday date decision!

Looking back through my Journal I discovered that Wilson came to live here with me on 11 May 2011, so not quite a year ago. I suggested to W that we call this date his 'official' birthday. He asked whether that would allow sufficient time for arranging cake and presents, and when I told him I was sure it would, he agreed. 
He was about to send a presents list to Father Birthmas, but I told him that wouldn't be necessary.

PS: If you'd like a copy of Wilson's 2012 calendar just let me know and I'll email a copy to you!


A proud mother's message to her son

Wilson has received a letter from his mum, Mrs Vermilingua. She says that what with Boo having so many stepfathers and half-brothers and -sisters, (including several that he's not met yet and a few more about to be born any day) she has rather lost track of birthday dates and has no idea of the date of his birthday. 
However, she assured him that she is very proud of him and all his achievements.


All Time is Relative — A Einstein

We're all over the place with Daylight Saving! First thing yesterday I started putting the clocks forward an hour, then I noticed Wilson was putting some of them forward an hour as well… and some of them back an hour as he 'wasn't sure which it was.' Consequently some of the clocks are right, some an hour slow, some two hours slow and a few are an hour fast. 



Thinking about it, Wilson has accomplished quite a lot in the year he's been living with me. 
He may not yet be a millionaire, but he has been awarded the Freedom of Uckfield Town, he has a (self-awarded) OBE and a string of failed business enterprises. That's quite an achievement for an anteater.