We visited Eastbourne yesterday, to make the most of the lovely weather. I had a fish & Chip lunch on the Pier, but vegetarian Wilson had only chips, leaving him a bit hungry… which led to an unpleasantness in the ornamental gardens:
W spotted some 'well juicy' ants living underneath the pansies, and went to hoover them up. A very officious gardener shouted at me to 'get that dog off the grass and put it on a lead.' W naturally assumed that he was referring to someone else, so his feelings were unhurt and what could have been a very nasty scene was narrowly avoided.
Driving home, we noticed several queues of cars at filling stations, and I could see W was getting thoughtful. Suddenly he shouted, 'Jerry cans! I need to corner the market in Jerry cans and sell them at a huge profit! The money will all be invested in teddy bears for the sloth orphanage, so some good will come out of this suffering!'
In spite of the sunny weather, my heart sank a little…