

Wilson has promised Nërp that he will make him more famous then 2001's HAL and more popular than Robbie the Robot and WALL•E.

I have no idea how he proposes to achieve this, but they have bought an Xmas Tree in the Village and are now heading towards Uckfield Railway Station with it.

This has Trouble written all over it…



Nërp, having seen a giant robot on tv in the Lord Mayor's Show, and another at St Pancras Station, is feeling a bit… inadequate.

He says that he feels 'left behind' – as if life is passing him by. While other robots have become famous, done things and made something of their lives, he is idling his time away in a suburban backwater…

Unfortunately he has made the mistake of consulting Wilson about the best way to raise his profile.

Wilson's first thought was: Sponsorship – some way he could monetise Nërp's activities…

After coffee and a Belgian Bun, he announced that he had the 'Perfect solution' which would elevate Nërp's reputation and popularity!  

The two of them have gone in to the Village to implement this enigmatic and currently undefined Plan…



Last night the sTone Brothers were waiting patiently in the living room for someone to carry them out into the garden.

Nërp went in to oblige, but got caught up watching the Late News.

In the past I have always discouraged him from watching the news because… well, Donald Trump, really – I don't want N getting the wrong idea about humans – but now I've found another reason to discourage any interest in Current Affairs.

The news showed the unveiling of the London St Pancras [a major UK railway station] Xmas Tree, and… a 17ft Robot!

What with the Lord Mayor's Show featuring a huge robot and now this, Nërp has decided that he is not realising his true potential – Life is Passing Him By and he needs to Raise His Profile.

Honestly, I dread to think what this will entail, but I fear I shall find out in the fulness of time…



Saturday morning everyone gathered in the living room to watch the London Lord Mayor's Show, a traditional expression of Pride, Pomp and Ceremony that has been taking place annually since the year 1189.

Wilson was very excited to see a Tweet he'd sent to #LordMayorsShow scroll across the bottom of the screen, but this was rather over shadowed by Nërp suddenly shouting,'I know him! I know him! That's my relative!'

He had spotted a massive robot trundling down the street, apparently sponsored by the Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office.

Nërp's joy soon turned to dismay, though, as he noticed the size of his robotic relation.

'He looks about six metres tall!' he said, 'whereas I'm just… tiny. Perhaps I should start going to the gym.'

Wilson was quick to dismiss this plan, saying, 'Gyms are absolutely useless! I went to a gym once – it was the worst ten minutes of my life!'