
Post-prandial drinks

With dinner over we strolled back to the hotel where we relaxed in the Residents' Lounge. 

Happily, Antony shared Wilson's mojito so I was spared the humiliation of ordering drinks for a stuffed toy who is clearly underage. 

I've told W that he should order drinks and food for Antony and Tiny Toy when we dine out, but he says he'd rather watch my embarrassment!

Tiny Toy was still out for the count and dozed quietly on the coffee table...


Dining out with Antony and TT

We had a lovely dinner in a restaurant almost opposite the hotel. 

Wilson had an omelette (with ants which he'd smuggled in) which he shared with Antony, and I had a delicious pasta dish.

The day had been altogether too much for Tiny Toy, though, who fell fast asleep on the table. 

This is just as well because, to be honest, I do feel a bit stupid ordering food for a tiny stuffed toy. 

I'm happy to do it for Wilson's sake, but I do get some odd looks from the waiting staff…


Waiting for dinner...

When we got back to the hotel we showered (well, I showered then Wilson pretended to shower) then, since it was such a lovely evening, we sat outside in the garden until it was time for dinner. 


Remember your first-ever ice cream?

As soon as we'd finished our coffee Wilson wanted an ice cream. Do all anteaters have unfillable tummies, I wonder? 

Anyway, it was little Antony's first ever ice-cream, so he was very excited and had a bit of a sugar-rush half-way through; five minutes in a brown paper bag calmed him down, though, as usual.

W enjoyed his ice cream too, although he made his customary comments about how his cone was much smaller than the display cone, misleading advertising, contacting the ASA etc.

I've learned to ignore all that by now — it makes life much easier!


This is unbelievable!

Once we arrived in Poole we had lattes with marshmallows (an extravagant habit he's picked up from his friend Miss Julia) in a seafront cafĂ©. 

This was an entirely novel and unfamiliar experience for little Antony, who doesn't get out much, and he spent a great deal of time reflecting on how huge  and exotic the world is, how many people there are in it and how much he'll have to tell Tiny Toy once he gets back to the hotel. 

'Tiny Toy simply won't believe it!' he squeaked… 'because it's unbelievable! Even I don't believe it!'
 If you'd like to share Wilson's adventures with a friend — which would be a GOOD THING TO DO — just send them this link:
Wilson thanks you — you've made a young anteater very happy!


We're not going to Jersey!

For his own safety, Tiny Toy is shut in a drawer in the hotel bedroom whenever we go out, although he is permitted to sleep with Antony at night. 

Antony is allowed to accompany us, but Wilson — wary of losing him — keeps counting him. 'One... Ah, okay!'

Today we drove a few miles along the coast to Poole, and Wilson noticed the very same Hydrofoil that took us to Jersey last year. He immediately assumed we were having a surprise trip to the Channel Islands, and Antony began to panic, thinking we'd be going to Jersey without Tiny Toy!

In order to set everyone's mind at rest, dear reader: we are NOT going to Jersey.



We have arrived at the hotel and unpacked our stuff. 

I was in the bathroom when I heard a shocked shriek from Wilson! I rushed out to see what was the matter and found him staring aghast at Antony's little suitcase — Antony has smuggled Tiny Toy on holiday with him! 

TT said it was a relief to be out because he'd hardly been able to breathe amongst all of Antony's clothes, but that it was very exciting to be a stowaway and it was better than being stuck in a clock-making sweatshop.

Wilson said that this was an act of subordination, and he would hold A entirely responsible for TT's safety and wellbeing during our stay in Bournemouth.