
Happy Xmas Everyone!

Well at last it's Xmas Eve! We're as ready for Xmas as we're ever going to be, although I've just got a little bit more wrapping to do.

Wilson is wandering round listlessly, waiting for the time to pass until Father Xmas calls with his presents. I don't imagine he'll get much sleep tonight, for which reason I surmise I shan't get much either!

Over Xmas I'll be taking a couple of days off from the Blog, so don't expect to hear from me for a little while — although W might stay in touch on Twitter*. 

In the meantime, Wilson, Polly and Billi, Johnson & Johnson, Antony and Tiny Toy, the sTone Brothers, Diesel the Goldfish and I all wish you 

* @WVermilingua 


Wassail Wassail!

When we arrived home from Bath there was a lot of mail waiting for us — a dozen or so identical Xmas cards from Wilson's Mum Mrs Vermilingua and her still-growing family (including one from Kenneth Byron Eustace Vermilingua, W's young stepbrother who came to stay with us last year) and a specially welcome card from Colin the Knitted Camel and his new family!

W opened and read them all and stood them on the mantel-shelf before running out to the 'Museum' for his little pull-along wagon. He loaded everyone (everyone except Diesel the Goldfish, who was left behind for reasons of 'Health & Safety') onto the cart and towed them off to go Carol Singing.

This year's Carol Singing Innovation is that his choir is accompanied by kazoo and spoons — Wilson is confident that this will boost his earnings no end.

I'm reserving my judgement on that…


Glühwein overdose...

This evening, determined to wring every last drop of hedonistic pleasure from this brief holiday, Wilson suffered a Glühwein overdose and had to have a brief rest on the pavement while I plied him with black coffee. 

Whatever happens we must leave for home first thing tomorrow morning, or he won't have time to fit in one of his 'essential' Xmas traditions…


The Many Faces of Bath

Wilson said that the Roman Baths were very interesting, but refused to venture out of the indoor areas, saying he could see very nicely from where he was, thank you. I think he was nervous that he might be jostled by the crowds and fall into the dreaded water. 'That water is thousands of years old, New Dad!' he observed with a shudder.

On our way to the Xmas Markets he saw a busker with a didgeridoo, and for some unaccountable reason he thought this would be the ideal instrument for Carol Singing. He insisted on trying one out at one of the stalls. It was more difficult than he expected. 

After a general look round the market he stopped at a Gin and Whisky Stall where they let him sample drinks with names like "Sheep Dip" and "Pig's Nose."
After quite a lot of sampling he said he'd just settle for 'A litre bottle of Xmas Ant Gin, please!' but was met with blank stares. 

He explained that it was a traditional Xmas delicacy where he came from, but the stall-holders just shook their heads impassively…