
World Chocolate Ice Cream Day!

Wilson stayed in bed all day today, inventing — he really thinks he's got his new clock contraption sorted! 

He took a break from his designing only to ask me to pop out to the Mr Softee van to get him a chocolate ice-cream. 

Since today is World Chocolate Ice-Cream Day I indulged him in this… and had one myself. 
I think it's important to observe these special celebrations to keep them going.

Especially when ice cream is involved!


Wilson invents a new kind of clock!

After listening to Diesel's relaxation tape, Wilson became unconscious and had to be carried to bed. This morning he awoke bright, early and full of enthusiasm.

He told me he had a dream in which he invented a new sort of clock that didn't need adjusting when the hour changes to and from Summer Time (Daylight Saving Time) and with help from Tiny Toy and Johnson he is now busy remembering how the clock worked in his dream so he can invent it in real life.

He says this could be 'The greatest thing since Oddsies!'

If it is to be at all successful, it will need to be quite a lot greater than Oddsies! 


Diesel is not relaxed!

Wilson finally located his Ghetto Blaster and is playing the relaxation tape to Diesel in the kitchen. 

Before the tape started, Diesel was already completely chilled, but as it progressed Wilson too became more and more unwound and has now fallen fast asleep. 

Diesel, thinking Wilson had passed out, was somewhat alarmed by this, and despite my reassurance is now quite agitated. 

While this is the exact opposite of what W had hoped to achieve, I've never seen him so relaxed. 


and relax...

Diesel's Relaxation Tape arrived this morning. Wilson is in his Museum looking for a cassette player — he says he's 'pretty sure' he's seen one in there somewhere.  

I suggested that most museums had a catalogue of their exhibits, but he said that too much organisation would deprive visitors of the spirit of serendipitous discovery as they picked their way through his displays.

Still, there's no hurry — Diesel is as relaxed as can be. If he was any more relaxed he'd be floating belly up at the top of his bowl…


Family tree...

After extensive research (consisting mostly of idly clicking through Ant Cookery pages on the internet while listening to Spotify) Wilson has drawn up a family tree for young Johnson. 

Needless to say, Johnson is very excited!