
Secret Task

My Secret Task from Big Brother turned out to be to finish painting without complaining, so we can go on holiday.

In fact, while Wilson had been planning for and recovering from the Eclipse I pretty much finished the re-decorating anyway, so it wasn't too difficult. 

My next Secret Task is to pack for the holidays...


Big Brother

I don't wear many 'Label' clothes, but I was surprised to find this morning when I opened my wardrobe that all my clothes had Gaffer Tape stuck over any visible logos. 

I was even more surprised to hear a VERY loud voice coming from downstairs, announcing: 'This is Big Brother — Will New Dad assemble in the kitchen immediately!'

When I arrived I found Wilson addressing me through a megaphone.

'Hello New Dad!' he shouted, 'Big Brother has noticed that you've been looking a bit glum lately, so I've decided to pretend you're in Big Brother on TV — it will be fun and will cheer you up! I have a Secret Task for you…' 



I'm a pretty resolute Recycler, but today I made an exception with a recent copy of New Scientist Magazine. It's the one with a big feature about Head Transplants and with instructions for carrying out experiments in your kitchen.

One of its projects explained how to build a Large Hadron Collider using a salad spinner, tin foil and an HT unit from a dismantled air conditioner. I would have thought this would inevitably be a Small Hadron Collider, but I'm not an expert.

Whatever the details, though, I didn't want Wilson upset by talk of Head Transplants, and I didn't want him experimenting with HT units either, so while he played in the garden I snuck this particular copy out to the dustbin for landfill. 

I apologise to the environment, but it was necessary!


Dymo addendum...

Wilson is enormously proud of the Blue Plaque which he persuaded the Mayor to have placed on the front wall of our house, and he thought today would be a good day to update his achievements listed on it.

Rather than impose the cost of a new plaque on the ratepayers of Uckfield, he has used his Dymo Labelmaker as a temporary solution…


2015 Eclipse Blues

Wilson has written a 12-Bar Blues to celebrate the recent Solar Eclipse. He calls it his '2015 Eclipse Blues' and today he sang it to everyone:

   Woke up this morning
   Moon came in front of the sun
   Yes I woke up this morning
   And the moon was in front of the sun
   It was dark for a moment
   But now it's all over and done.
   Oh yeah! 
Happy Eclipsmas, everyone!
Uncle Zoltan Has Left The Building! Oh...

W sang this quite quickly as he was worried about missing Judge Rinder on afternoon tv… he is an anteater with clear priorities.


Eclipse debrief

Once the eclipse was deemed to have concluded, everyone headed back into the house to watch the eclipse again on TV. There we were able to see what we would have seen if we'd been under clear skies in the Shetland Islands… rather than under heavy cloud in Uckfield.

It was interesting to get such a good view of the total eclipse, although since everyone — at Wilson's insistence — was still wearing their goggles ('just to be on the safe side') it was quite difficult to make anything out.

As W explained to me later, when it comes to eclipses, you can't be too careful. 'Health and Safety have to be our watchwords, New Dad!'