

I'm feeling a tiny bit better today.

In order to calm Wilson, I have persuaded him that what I'm suffering from is not after all The Black Death, but merely Man Flu.

He was reassured, but is now telling me that I'm a Big Baby and Making A Fuss Over Nothing.

He says I want to try being an anteater – they can't just rush round to the Pharmacy when they feel a bit off-colour; they just have to Get On With Life, as they've been doing for millions of years!

This is a bit ironic, as Wilson is constantly round at the Pharmacy asking for reassurance over some real or imagined ailment.

However, he did advise me to keep taking The Bees' Nasty Medicine, as they probably know best and if it tastes nasty enough it just might do me some good.

Also, he's cancelled my Funeral Plan – he said it was way too expensive for someone who, as he put it, 'could still live for months'…



Okay, it's time to 'fess up: 

All this Glitch in the Matrix stuff isn't real – it's just been Wilson's way of not admitting to himself that the reason I've not been blogging is because I'm a bit poorly. He doesn't deal with illness very well.

It's probably nothing more than a heavy cold, and he usually accuses me of being a 'big baby', but after watching something on The History Channel he's got it into his head that I've got the Plague – he keeps checking me for Buboes when he thinks I'm not looking.

The Bees have rallied round with their massive supply of Nasty Medicine ('If it's not nasty' they say, 'it won't do you any good!') while Wilson is in the living room trying to sign me up to a Funeral Plan…

I don't know whether I'll be back tomorrow, but the Blog will resume as soon as I feel up to it – I promise!



Before they get better. 

Or so I'm told.

Highly skilled Matrix Engineers are working day and night (actually they're not working at night, they insist on double-time for night work) to fix things, and the Blog should be back in just a few days!

Keep On Checkin'!



Apologies for the lack of Blog over the last few days. 

Please stand by for a RESUMPTION OF NORMAL BLOGGING in the near future!