Yesterday's Snow Day involved a lot less hardship than the term usually implies — everyone sat round in the living room playing pANTS!, watching Daytime TV, eating and drinking. In Wilson's case, specially drinking.
Several of W's friends have pointed out that he is actually too young to buy (and consume) wines and spirits. I mentioned this to him and he told me not to worry about it because he has a fake ID. He also said that his Mum, Mrs Vermilingua, has always been a great gin enthusiast, and he'd been drinking it since he was a tiny pup.
'Anyway,' he added, 'Checkout operators are rubbish at estimating the age of anteaters — I just say grown-up things when I'm near them!'
After dozing off in front of an Open University broadcast, W told me that he's had a BRILLIANT idea. I'm afraid my heart always sinks a little when I hear this, because I know it will cause trouble.
Anyway, it's keeping him quiet today: he's cut off a length of my Colorama background paper and he's ruling it up into squares, to what end I know not…