

The package from Arnold has been opened, the termites tasted (and pronounced to be 'Totes Delicious') and Wilson and Byron are now in the Vermilingua Contemporary hanging the painting on loan from Arnold.

After it had been hung and lit, Wilson stared at it for a few minutes, then mused aloud to himself, 'I wonder why it's called "This is NOT an anteater" when it's obvious to anyone with eyes that it IS an anteater?'

Byron patiently explained that it was a surrealist work, after a painting by the famous Belgian artist René Magritte.

'Yes,' Wilson interrupted, 'but why is it called "This is NOT an anteater" when it IS?'

'Well, think about it,' Byron continued, 'is it an anteater… or is it a painting of an anteater?'

STOP PRESS: Wilson learned yesterday that Arnold has suffered a serious tail-related injury – our thoughts are with him at this difficult time 😢👩‍⚕️❤️
Visit Arnold here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CCjOIfNBC74/
or search for the.gourmet.anteater



A parcel has been delivered from America!
Pterry (the only person who has no idea what's inside) is extremely excited, jumping up and down on it and shouting, 'What is it, Mummy? What's inside? Is it a present? Is it for me?' and so on.
To save you worrying about it until Saturday, and to reduce the levels of tension and stress in the world, I will reveal now that the package probably contains a painting on loan from Wilson's friend Arnold* and with any luck some more sample termites for Wilson and Byron to taste-test!
Reminder – there will be no post tomorrow, but normal service will be resumed on Saturday 🤞
*Arnold – IG: the.gourmet.anteater 



Wilson has received a telephone call.

He initially thought it was from the Termite Marketing Board, calling to commend him on his advertising!
Unfortunately, it actually was from the Association of Termite and Pest Exterminators, demanding to know, as they put it, What on earth he thought he was doing *selling* termites?'
Wilson was caught off guard for a moment but deftly turned the conversation to his advantage by talking about Green Conservation and the Web of Life.
Eventually he even sold them a couple of tins – the exterminators intend to sprinkle a few termites around the homes of prospective customers to drum up business! 
Not very ethical, perhaps, but this is a fledgeling business...
ADVANCE WARNING – tomorrow's post will be later than usual and there will be no post on Friday. ☹️
Normal service will be resumed on Saturday 🤞



Last night Wilson got the go-ahead from Arnold* to proceed with the latest design!
Following a very early start, the billboard posters are now ready (and the printer is completely out of ink) and the first Park Ants by Arnold poster is in place.
Wilson, Byron and Nërp are standing round discussing it, generally admiring their handiwork and wondering how long it will be before orders start pouring in and they're all joint millionaires…
I hope they're not holding their breath for that!
*Arnold – IG: the.gourmet.anteater 



Wilson is on tenterhooks awaiting a decision from Arnold about the revised
Tinned Termites packaging design.
He's especially anxious because he has already designed the poster advertising and booked several billboards to put them on.
I hope he hasn't paid for these in advance! 
I'll find out soon enough when my Visa bill arrives…
He's passing the time by watching old episodes of detective show VERA with Antony and drinking more coffee than is really good for him.
In normal times he'd be drinking Ant Gin, but he wants to keep a clear head in case Arnold wants another Zoom Conference to discuss things!



In light of feedback from his Focus Group, Wilson has completely redesigned the packaging for the Tinned Termites.
Today he is making a Client Presentation of the revised design to Arnold*.
He's quite nervous and really hoping that Arnold likes it.
We'll have to wait and see: what with living in America, Arnold may not even be awake at the moment – it might be the middle of the night there!
*Arnold – IG: the.gourmet.anteater