
Eurovision Song Contest!

I'm feeling a little better now, thanks for asking, although Wilson is still having to cut the crusts off my sandwiches and put my meals through the blender.
Today, however, is a Big Day for W: it's Eurovision Song Contest Day! He's rearranged the seating in the living room to make it seem more like a cinema or theatre, and right now he's making one of his famously complex multi-coloured Eurovision Score Sheets!


Hors de Combat (that's French!)

New Dad is still hors de combat so it's me, your friend Wilson, again! Woot! 
I got something to stop Antony being scared by the sTone brothers — it's a pair of curtains from a charity shop in the High Street, and they didn't cost much… although they are a horrible colour. And pattern. I've put them up on the Folly, and I think New Dad will be very pleased. Antony says they're better than nothing, and he can at least come into the garden again. Unless it's windy and the curtains are blowing about, he says.
I'll see you again tomorrow! (Unless New Dad decides to man-up and stop being a big baby.)
Your obedient servant,
Wilson Vermilingua OBE


Hi everybody, it's me, Wilson!

New Dad has "toothache" and is "in too much pain" to write to you today, so he's asked me to write the blog for him. 
Honestly, he's such a baby! Apparently he has an "infected tooth nerve" yet all he will do about it is take antibiotics and pain-killers, spurning my mum, Mrs Vermilingua's traditional ant-based cure-all remedy. ANTibiotics are probably just a watered-down, commercialised version of my mum's cure with the taste taken away.
I've tried to cheer him up by singing all the songs from Bugsy to him, but he just holds the side of his face and screws up his eyes! I think he doesn't truly want to feel better!
In spite of his so-called "pain" he felt well enough to have a word with me last night about the sTone brothers; he says that it's not fair on Antony, who is terrified of them. I said perhaps Antony could just stay indoors but no, that's not good enough! Huh! 
I'll be going into the village later to buy more Paracetamol and get something to stop Antony being frightened.


An addition to the Folly

I have woken up with toothache this morning, so while I went to an emergency appointment with the dentist Wilson said he would prefer to stay at home and get on with some work in the garden. I know he doesn't like seeing the dentist, so I agreed. 
When I returned I found Antony clutching on to his Tiny Toy and sobbing — he really doesn't like these figures that W seems so fond of.


A late birthday gift arrives

We are now fully recovered from Wilson's birthday celebrations, although W is still constantly singing or whistling songs from Bugsy. He does this very quietly, almost under his breath, which is somehow extra annoying! 
Yesterday a parcel arrived addressed to Wilson, with a card attached saying it was 'A birthday gift to Dearest Boo' and signed from 'Your Secret Admirer XOXOX'.
W fumed 'Who even IS this person?!' for a few minutes, then calmed down and examined the contents. The box contained one of those appalling stone figures, like sTony but with a huge, repulsive eye!
He took it out of the box and examined it admiringly, then announced, 'I think I shall call him… sToneye!'
Antony burst into tears and hugged his tiny toy even closer.


Brilliant evening!

Afraid of missing something, Wilson took his seat in good time. He was actually the first person in the auditorium. 
Having seen Bugsy before, he was able to participate in all the numbers, and he enjoyed the show enormously! 
Some time after the performance was over the manager had to ask Wilson to leave; he protested that he was staying put, on the off-chance of another Encore!
On the drive home he sang all the songs and was word-perfect. 
He sang ALL the songs. 
SEVERAL times. 
Anyone know a cure for ear-worms?
Here's a video of one of the big numbers, Fat Sam's:
Isn't it brilliant?!


Bugsy Malone!

Following Wilson's Birthday Tea I announced his surprise: a trip to the theatre! 
He so loved seeing Bugsy, the musical story of gangster Bugsy Malone, last year that I booked tickets for another performance by a different theatre group. I think children like familiarity, and having seen the show before gave Wilson the opportunity to join in with all the songs! 
In these photos you can see him just before we went into the theatre. Actually, in the picture where he's holding his souvenir programme, you can just see the Choreographer, Wilson's friend Julia, coming over to wish him a Happy Birthday!