

Wilson did indeed love the caves... until we came to a human skeleton, which made him a tiny bit nervous.

The skeleton was actually a replica, representing the real one found on the site when it was excavated in 1903. 

The male remains dated from the Mesolithic Era (around 7150BCE), and met a violent end, although the circumstances of his death are still unknown. 

The original (Britain's oldest complete human skeleton) is now in London's Natural History Museum — don't say this stuff isn't educational!

As we left the caves, Wilson asked, 'So, when are we going to meet this George bloke? I hope he wasn't that skeleton!'


ExCel Centre London

Hello, we are The Bees, Polly and Billi, and this is our Guest Blog!

Today we have something a bit special for you, as we've flown up to London's ExCel Centre to see a series of lectures called 'The World's Most Amazing Animal' which is all about – Honey Bees! Yay!

We've brought our children, Johnson Major and Johnson Minor, with us so they can learn about their Wonderful Bee Heritage!

Anyway, we'd better go now so we can be sure of getting some good seats, nice and near the stage!

We've been The Bees, and we're very excited! 

We'll see you again next month, so until then: BEEEEEEEE GOOD!




In spite of being very busy having fun on holiday, Wilson has just managed to complete this, the latest addition to his FREE 2017 CALENDAR PARTWORK.

Allow me to present for your pleasure and delectation: 





...or as Wilson insists on calling it, Cheddar George.

'Who is this Cheddar George then?' he asked me, 'Is he some kind of Cheese Expert?'

In fact, Cheddar Gorge is a limestone ravine in the Mendip Hills, famous not only for its cheese but also its caves (where the cheese is still stored and matured). 

As a great Tunnel Enthusiast, I think W will love the Caves. 

And the Gift Shops.

And the Cafés.

At the entrance to the caves there were a number of ticket choices available – Wilson, unsurprisingly, chose the option which not only admitted us to all the caves but also included free coffee and cake in the Restaurant, and a trip on the Cheddar Gorge Tour Bus.



Wilson, although reassured that we would not be attending The Wurzels concert, complained that he already had I've Got A Brand-New Combine Harvester firmly stuck in his head, and it was, as he picturesquely put it, totes doing his nut in!

Some distraction was obviously required, and soon! Fortuitously he happened to spot Donkey Rides taking place on the sand not far away.

I hope by the time he returns and has had a chat with his steed, the Wurzels Ear-Worm will be well and truly banished.

Although... I seem to be stuck with it now!



Strolling along the Prom we came across a poster advertising an appearance by "Scrumpy & Western" band The Wurzels.

It seems that they are TT's favourite band in the whole world, and he – supported by Antony – is arguing strongly that we should go to one of their concerts on the Pier. 

Wilson's – whose tastes tend more to Cohen and Dylan – is making a strong counter-argument that The Wurzels are 'Bucolic bumpkins singing ear-wormy songs with facile lyrics' who should be avoided at all costs. 

Both arguments, however, turned out to be pointless, as closer examination of the poster revealed that The Wurzel's appearances had been in July.


Wilson has received a further Text from The Bees pointing out that a Family Ticket to the The World's Most Amazing Animal Lectures costs 'only' £60.

I ask Wilson to reply suggesting that they just fly in without paying. 

Who knows – as honeybees, at a lecture about honeybees, they might be welcomed as Guests of Honour!