Wilson and I had breakfast without any mention of 'reality' or 'source code' or any of the issues that have been troubling him recently. All such thoughts have apparently been displaced by another of his 'brilliant ideas,' which he explained to me over coffee.
'Unless I've got this wrong,' he started, 'the country is having a bit of a rough patch, financially. Am I right?'
I nodded.
'So people who are feeling the pinch disposable income-wise just don't have the cash to splash on things which they may, quite wrongly, see as luxuries.'
'I suppose so,' I conceded.
'So, the solution is clear: I shall start a hire service for ODDSIES! where people can rent a pair for a few days! I shall look for suitable premises in Uckfield to be the headquarters of my hiring empire!'
I'm not so sure this would be as popular as W thinks. Hiring socks seems a strange concept to me… but if it stops him worrying about whether or not he is 'real' I don't want to discourage him in any way!
I think I'll try to steer him towards running this as an on-line enterprise for the time being, though, rather than splashing out on rent.