Wilson's experiment in Suspended Animation, or 'One-Way Time Travel' as he called it, was a dismal failure, and he is in a very grumpy mood this morning.
He woke at the usual time, complaining of indigestion and a headache (ie a hangover), asking, 'Is is Xmas yet?' When he found it was only the following day he groaned, put his paws over his eyes and tried, unsuccessfully, to go back to sleep.
He was so hung-over that I had to bring his breakfast to him in his bed. After a few pints of water, two paracetamol and some fire-ants, I'm sure he'll be as good as new, but he says he's never going to try hibernating again.
Decorating the Xmas Tree has fallen behind schedule, so I'll try to distract him with that later.