

I let both boys stay up late last night to watch the Big Brother Live Eviction show. 

They were both very satisfied to see Georgina leave — Byron said that her 'negative energy' was enough to bring anyone down. Wilson nodded in agreement, adding, 'And her cake was a catastrophe!'

However, at long last it's time for Byron to return to his family in the zoo. I think he'll be pleased to see his Mum, Mrs Vermilingua, again.

The packing having been done days ago, it didn't take long to load the car, then Byron waved goodbye to everyone before we set off.

When we arrived at the zoo he climbed out of the car, said, 'ThankyouverymuchforhavingmeMisterDawes!' and ran inside. 

He's a lovely boy, and I shall be happy to see him when he visits again to help Wilson run the PYO Tomato Farm...



Hi, we're The Bees, and this is our Guest Blog!

Some of our blogs in the past have been pretty heavy — about poisons and bees dying out and so on — but today we've got something funny to show you!

It's a film about an anteater trying to steal food from some ducks... and falling in the water! We think it's really funny, and whenever we watch it we can't stop laughing... 


Actually, we're just going to watch it again — if Billi can remember how to work out the 'tension loop' on the projector — so why don't you watch it now with us?

However, we don't think Wilson would see the funny side — particularly given how much he hates water — so not a word to him, okay?

Tomorrow Wilson's half-brother Byron will be going back to his family at the zoo. We shall miss him, because he was a nice boy — very polite and well-mannered. Just like our own dear boys, Johnson Major and Johnson Minor!

Anyway, we've been The Bees and we'll see you again next month. 




Early this morning Byron pulled out his suitcase and, with Wilson's help, started packing his things ready for his return to the zoo.

W has given Byron a basket of green tomatoes as a gift for his Mum, Mrs Vermilingua. There was a lot of debate about whether they should spray-paint them red, but I think good sense prevailed. Surprisingly.

I shall drive him home on Friday so he's there in time for the weekend, and I expect we'll stay at the zoo with his family for most of the day. 

Then as soon as we get home, W says he has 'much planning and preparation' to do for my birthday next week.

If he's baking a cake, I hope it won't have too many ants in it.

And if he's planning the correct number of candles, I'd better warn the village Fire Brigade to be on standby...



Wilson confided to me this morning that Byron is starting to get a bit homesick and is missing his Mum, Mrs Vermilingua.

I've spoken with B and agreed to take him home to the zoo and his family in time for the weekend.

In the meantime, both boys are in the garden preparing direction signs and so on for the P-Y-O Tomato Farm — when it eventually opens, Byron will come back for a few days to help Wilson run it. 

And presumably take a share in the profits. 

If there are any profits...



Over breakfast, I reassured Wilson that neither he (being half Costa Rican) nor I (half Canadian) would face deportation now that the UK has left the European Union. 

Also that the operation of his P-Y-O Tomato Farm was unlikely to be disrupted... though I thought his application for an EU Farm Subsidy was now most unlikely to be successful.

I had promised Wilson that we'd go on holiday when he returned from his stay at the zoo, and once we were alone he asked whether Byron could accompany us. Regrettably I had to refuse, because it's already difficult finding hotels that will allow even one non-human guest, let alone two. 

However, I have promised that when the Tomato Farm finally opens for business, Byron can come back to help with its operation — as long as his Mum, Mrs Vermilingua, approves.