
Wilson is 200 per cent confident...

Wilson's book is now coming on apace! He says that he is 'completely 200 per cent confident' that it will be finished in time to publish next week. 
He has also assured me that it will be 'well epic!'


Writers' Block

No progress on Wilson's book yesterday or so far today as he tells me he is suffering from Writers' Block. 
Recovering from Writers' Block seems to involve a lot of thinking (ie sleeping) and brain hydration (ie ant gin). 
I hope he gets on with his book soon, as I know you're going to love it. Possibly.


I love it when a plan comes together...

Fond as I am of Wilson, I could never describe him as being good at finishing things. His short career is littered with failed business ventures and uncompleted projects; however, I think one of his enterprises is about to reach fruition!
It's far too cold to go outside today, so W has returned to a long-term project of his, and he assures me that it is almost complete: The Wilson Vermilingua OBE Big Book of Free Stuff.
He has given me his personal assurance that it will be completed in 'a few days' and when it is released it will 'shake the publishing world to its foundations!' His words, of course, not mine. 
However, I have to admit that it's looking good, and when it's finally issued you will receive a free copy! Something to look forward to during the never-ending sub-zero Spring days, then…

March has been a very busy month for Wilson Vermilingua OBE!
I've just uploaded the fifteenth monthly volume of Ant Wars II: March 2013 so you can catch up on anything you've missed.
Please tell all your friends, as it is Wilson's stated ambition for his life story to be, as he puts it, "As Popular as Easter Eggs!"  

You can download it or read it online at:

You can now SUBSCRIBE to Wilson's blog by email!
The BLOG is right here: http://antwars2.blogspot.co.uk/
You can TRANSLATE Wilson's blog into other languages!
You can COMMENT on Wilson's blog — and he'd love to hear from you!

Photographs of the lovely WILSON are by Tamanduagirl at 
http://www.livingwithanteaters.com/ and are used by kind permission.


A Brilliant Easter

Today the sun is shining! It's still very cold, but Wilson is in the garden with all his little friends, soaking up the rays! 
When I took a coat, a scarf and pair of gloves out to him (all of which he declined) he mentioned that he'd had a brilliant Easter, what with Dr Who, a Boat Race victory for Oxford and finally a surfeit of chocolate! 


Late breakfast

Wilson and I stayed up way too late last night, watching a programme about Michael Jackson on BBC4. As a result, we both slept very late this morning. On the plus side, it's now too late for W to April Fool me… as long as he follows April 1st etiquette, anyway.
He's in the kitchen now, finishing up his eggs for breakfast. I don't know whether so much chocolate is healthy for an anteater, but he insists that cocoa is a bean, so chocolate is one of his five-a-day.
W wanted to bring sTony in to eat his egg, but I made him stay in the garden; I won't allow sTony into the house because he's too scary for little Antony, who's only just getting over Doctor Who.


Double Summer Time

British Summer Time started this morning! Unfortunately Wilson forgot that he'd put all the clocks forward by an hour last weekend, and did so again last night... with the result that it was barely light when he started his Easter Egg Hunt this morning. 
I'm not certain about his Easter Bonnet, but he chose it himself.
Now he's settling down in front of the tv in preparation for the University Boat Race this afternoon. It's a busy day for him!