

Wilson and his whole family (with the possible exception of Uncle Zoltan) are in a state of maximum excitement as the final, final preparations are made for Xmas — I don't think anyone will be getting much sleep tonight!

Actually, TT and Johnson Minor have already had a brief spell in the Brown Paper Bag Of Serenity®™[pat pending] to calm them down. 

We wish you ALL a V Brilliant and fANTastic Xmas, especially newly-wed Mrs Julia Edwards and Mr Matthew Edwards, from Wilson, Polly and Billi the Bees, Antony, Tiny Toy, Johnson Maj and Johnson Mi, Dave the Pig, the sTone Brothers, Diesel the Goldfish, the Easter Island Heads, the Mole living in the garden, me, and anyone else I've forgotten!

I expect I'll be too busy assembling and playing with (and probably repairing) Wilson's new toys to blog for a couple of days, but I'll tell you all about our Xmas as soon as I can. 

Wilson, however (even more addicted to Social Media than me) will probably continue to Tweet about what's going on — check him out and chat with him at: @WVermilingua on Twitter!



Wilson's speech was received very well — I hope he won't be offended if I say surprisingly well. 

Before the applause had died down he snatched up his guitar and started singing a song he'd written for the wedding, called Wedding Bee Blues, because it's based on a similar song he wrote when the Bees got married: 

     'Woke up this morning
          Climbed out of my bed,
     Well, I woke up this morning
          Climbed out of my soft, warm bed,
     Then I suddenly remembered:
          Ms Julia's gettin' wed!'

... and so on, for several more verses.

His claws kept getting stuck in the strings during the chord changes, but overall it sounded pretty good, all things considered, and he's almost mastered the Bob Dylan voice. Dylan: the Late Years 'helium' version, that is…

As his song ended, and just as he was about to segue into Disco Hits From the Eighties on his spoons and kazoo, I whispered into his ear, 'Why not leave them wanting more?' 

Removing the kazoo from his mouth he replied, 'I've got you, New Dad; I'll do this later — when everyone's dancing and had a bit more to drink!'

Finally, before the toasts began, Wilson passed among the bemused guests handing out flyers advertising his 'Surprisingly Inexpensive' Speech Writing Service...



Wilson was quite surprised to discover that he was not the only Best Man! There were a couple of other 'Groomsmen' as they were officially called, which is apparently an American Tradition. 

W took the news quite well because, if anything, it should ease the pressure on him.

After posing for the group photos he decided that his Wedding Shoes were entirely unsuitable as wet weather wear, saying that when the wedding was over he'd dry them out and take them back to the shop and try to exchange them for Wellington Boots.

During the drive to the Marriot Hotel for the Reception, I could see his lips moving as he ran through his Best Man's speech in his head — he's quite apprehensive about delivering it, but I'm sure it will be just fine. 

Although I've no idea what's in it — I hope there's nothing too risqué...

There'll be more news and pictures from the Wedding Of The Year on Friday — don't miss it!



We've just set off for Ms Julia's Wedding! 

Wilson, assuming that our car will be what he calls the Wedding Carriage, has decorated it with messages, and a white ribbon at the front. 

We'd got as far as Gatwick before my nerves snapped: stopping the car I stepped outside and cut the strings trailing the tin cans from the rear bumper.

Thereafter W passed the time rehearsing the Wedding Song he's written for tomorrow — he can't manage the guitar in the passenger seat so he's making do with his spoons and kazoo. 

I don't mean to be critical, but after a while I began to think I preferred the sounds of the tin cans dragging behind us.

There won't be any post tomorrow due to the wedding — but I hope we'll be back Wednesday, perhaps with some of the wedding photos!