After an (extremely) hearty breakfast we made out way to the Jersey Tourist Office, where Wilson bought two Jersey Tourist Passes, which will get us into most of the attractions on the island without charge.
The first place we visited was the zoo — The Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust. Wilson proudly handed over our visitors' passes and we were ushered in without further payment.
W is looking after both passes because, as he said, 'You might get overexcited and lose them. I know what you're like, New Dad!'
June has been a very busy month for Wilson Vermilingua OBE!
I've just uploaded the latest monthly volume of Ant Wars II: June 2013 so you can catch up on anything you've missed.
Please tell all your friends, as it is Wilson's stated ambition for his life story to be, as he puts it, "As Popular as a Summer Holiday in Jersey!".
You can download it or read it online at: