

I let both of the boys (and everybody else) stay up late to watch Eurovision until the end.

Byron had never seen one before, and was agog much of the time!

I told the boys they could have five votes each, but the lines were so busy that only one vote got through – for Denmark (with the Giant Furniture) which we'd all liked.

Madonna was… surprising. Her appearance as a One-Eyed Space Pirate caused TT to burst into tears!

After Graham Norton satirically explained that she was bravely appearing "in spite of suffering from an attack of conjunctivitis*" Wilson thought that must explain her very off-key and lacklustre performance.

Overall, however, Wilson said it was the Best Eurovision Ever – and I'm inclined to agree. Almost all the songs were excellent, and the staging was magnificent!

What with everyone getting to bed so late last night, though, we're all a bit bleary-eyed this morning. None of us has been up for long and even Nërp keeps yawning…


*I know for a fact that Wilson confuses Conjunctivitis with Cystitis... 😉

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