

Yesterday Wilson returned from the Hardware Store with some immensely strong chain and a length of thick rope. 

He told me that they didn't have any BlockChain as such, but the assistant had recommended this steel chain as the next best thing, and he'd bought the rope just to be on the safe side – and because it smelled nice. He said he would be calling it BlockRope™®.

This morning he gathered everyone in the dining room for an pronouncement which would, he said, 'Totally banish Blue Monday'!

He handed out some Party Poppers and announced: 'I now declare the V-Coin well and truly launched!'

He nodded his head and (almost) everyone pulled their Party Popper strings and cheered. 

TT – startled by the sudden noise – burst into tears and had to be taken outside by Polly.

Wilson cleared his throat and appealed for quiet, then declared that he was making an ICO*, or Initial Coin Offering whereby he will make available 100,000 V-Coins for just £10 (US$13.72 or €11.24) each. 

Investors will receive:
• a framed image of a V-Coin
• a short length of BlockChain and 
• a piece of BlockRope™®
in exchange for which Wilson will (eventually) receive £1M...

*I don't really know what ICO means, but Google confirms it is a thing.


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