

Wilson and Byron are in the kitchen arguing over the results of the Grass Jam Label Vote

Byron maintains that going with the most popular label, D, would increase sales of the product; Wilson, however, is equally adamant that the least popular label, B, would feel rejected.

'I know what a bitter feeling that is,' he said, 'and I wouldn't wish it on even a humble Jam Label!'

The disagreement was in full swing when Mole the Mole appeared, coughing apologetically until the boys noticed his presence. He told W that he just wanted to say Goodbye as he was returning to the Wild.

Wilson's jaw dropped. 'You can't leave now,' he exclaimed, 'just before Xmas!'

Mole, having never heard of Xmas, looked puzzled, so Wilson began to explain All About Xmas: Father Xmas, Presents, Food, Drink, TV Specials.

Mole seemed confused, so W went on to reveal the REAL MEANING of Xmas:

'Xmas,' he explained, 'was invented by the Hallmark Card Company and the Brussels Sprout Marketing Board to celebrate the cold weather, and now it's sponsored by John Lewis, TESCO, Amazon and VISA to make sure the shops keep going through the winter!'

'Oh...' Mole said, doubtfully.

Wilson continued: 'If you leave now, the Economic Infrastructure of the whole country will be put at risk! Shops in the Village will be forced to close! Taxi Drivers will be unemployed and their children won't get any presents! Even the Mighty Hallmark Card Company might be forced into Administration!'

Say what you like about Wilson, he can lay an excellent guilt-trip!

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